You Call Him by His Full Name

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Slender thought it would be fun to steal your jacket. It wasn't freezing as it was mid-day, but it was chilly. He kept popping in and out and it started to annoy you. And when you finally had enough, you let him know.

"Slenderman!" You shouted, "Give me my jacket before I leave right now!"

He popped in right beside you, his head bowed in shame, "I'm sorry, my dove," he handed you the jacket, then proceeded to walk next to you. Slender was not pleased that you called him Slenderman, you never do that. He later expressed his distaste for it.

"I know," You told him, "I used it so you'd know I was being serious."

Jeff the Killer
Jeff had come to your house with a dead cat in his sweatshirt pouch. You were disgusted, and then he tried to throw it away in your trash can, and would not listen when you told him to take it outside somewhere.

"It's just a cat," He said casually, literally holding it in his hands.

"A dead cat! Take it outside!" You demand, trying not to look at the creature in his grasp.

"No," Jeff opened your fridge and then pulled out leftovers from last night, having already placed the dead cat in your trash can.

"Jeffrey Hodek! You will take that fucking cat outside or you will not come back to this house!" Jeff eyed you in shock, then got the cat from the trash and took it truly scared him in that moment.

BEN Drowned
You walked out of your bathroom wrapped in just your towel, to find BEN going through your drawers where you kept your monthlies, along with your clean undergarments.

"(Y/N)? What the hell do you have this for?" Ben held up a piece of lingerie that your close female cousin had gotten you as a joke one year when you turned 17.

"Ben!" You shriek, almost dropping your towel, "Stop that!"

BEN, instead of stopping as you told him, proceeded to pull more things out of your drawer, including all of your underwear.

"Benjamin!" You shouted, "Enough! Get out of my room!" He jumped, and quickly left. You were then stuck with a mess to clean up and a bad attitude.

Eyeless Jack
Jack has walked into your bedroom as you were dressing. It wasn't a big deal, he told you he was blind, and you had underwear on. What had bothered you, though, was how he just invited himself into your room..Even while the door was closed and locked.

"You can't just walk in, Jack! I was naked!" You hissed.

"I'm blind," he shrugged, "plus I'm your boyfriend and best friend. Who cares?"

"Me, Jackson! I care! Knock next time!" You rose your voice, realising you used his full name.

"What did I tell you about that?" His attitude immediately changed, not liking that you called him that.

"You aren't allowed to come in places that are locked," You spoke, "Now get out before I use your full name again." He left quietly, obviously a little disgruntled.

Dark Link
Dark had come over while you had your friend over, thus resulting in you having to explain to her who he is, what he is to you, and how he got there..let's just say she was all over him after that, and he didn't do anything about it. You sat fuming, and as soon as she left you yelled at Dark.

"I don't understand why you're yelling at me," Dark said calmly, but the look in his eye told you he knew exactly what he was doing. And he was doing it on purpose.

"Because my friend was all over you, and you didn't do anything about it!" You yelled, "You even flirted back a little!"

"I did not!" He lied, standing up, "She was all over me but I didn't do anything back!"

"Dark Link don't you fucking dare give me that bullshit!" You barked, "You flirted with her, hell even stared at her chest! Could you be any more of a pig?!" You were hurt, Dark knew this now. He knew as soon as you called him Dark Link. He didn't being called that, especially by you, and he knew it'd only happen if you were serious. He had taken his joke too far.

Lost Silver
Silver never acted up with you. He was always so kind and he listened! But this once he came over, and he was acting so, so...different. You couldn't explain it. He wasn't being himself, he was cutting you off and being kind of rude.

"Silver, are you even listening to me?" You ask, forcing him to look at you by grabbing his face.

"Not really," he replied nonchalantly, without a stutter even. You tried to get his attention for another five minutes before you finally had enough of it.

"Lost Silver! I don't know what has gotten into you but you need to cut it the fuck out. I'm going to ask you to leave right now, and I don't want you back here until your attitude is fixed." You demanded, obviously annoyed that he was acting out like this. It was very, very unlike him. You wondered if something was bothering him. But before you could think twice about that, he had flinched a little and left. Just as you told him to.

Ticci Toby
Toby wasn't listening to you at all, your parents were in their bedroom downstairs and he kept jumping around. "Toby!" You said, "Stop it!" He still didn't stop running, he was chasing your cat. "Tobias Erin Rodgers!" You spoke up, "Stop moving so much! My parents will hear you!"

Toby stopped running the minute Tobias came out of your mouth. "S-Sorry, (y/n).." He shrunk down in your chair, "Sorry..." It almost hurt you seeing him look so vulnerable like that, but it was obviously what you had to do to make him behave.

so some comments saying
EJ's real name isn't
Jackson??? okay. it is now :)
and please see the
next chapter to see how
i feel about that
thank u :)

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