When You Meet Again

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Slenderman had no idea why he spared you. You were just a human. But ever since then, he hadn't stopped thinking about you. He decided to go to your house, to pay you a visit.

You were having dinner with your parents, and some very important business partners. There was a loud crash in your bedroom, spooking all of you and causing your parents to glare at you.

"(Y/N), please go see what that was." Your mother spoke through clenched teeth.

You rushed upstairs, and when you arrived you saw the exact last being you'd expected to see. Slenderman. Sitting on your bed with his hands on his knees.

"What are you doing here?" You asked, "My parents are having an important business dinner and you're causing things to fall!" There wasn't a trace of fear in your body, rather annoyance.

"Oh my goodness! I am so sorry." He spoke, "Goodbye, child."

"Next time let me come to you, if I want to see you again." You rolled your eyes, watching his teleport away leaving you with your ears ringing slightly.

Once you got back downstairs, you told them you left your window open and it made your lamp fall over. And they totally believed it.

Jeff the Killer
As you expected- the creepy guy showed up again the next day. At the same time. But he didn't seem to have his knife out this time. Instead, he seemed amused with himself.

"I decided to not kill you." He spoke proudly, "Mostly because you're the only person I've ever seen naked. But also because you seem...interesting."

"So you aren't going to kill me because you saw me naked? Wow, thank you, stranger. You're so polite." You roll your eyes.

"My name is Jeff the Killer, but I'm Jeff, to some." Jeff said, "We're friends now."

"Jeff the Killer? Wow, that's generic," You rolled your eyes, "I'm (Y/N). Proud to meet you fully clothed this time."

"That can always change," He had this tone of voice, you knew he'd probably wink if he were able.

"Oh, you're one of those? How annoying." You shoved him lightly, "Glad we get to be friends."

BEN Drowned
Detention time. And much to your dismay, when you opened the doors, that sat the annoying kid from the other day. Perfect.

"Hey! I knew I'd find you here!" He smiled. He was still wearing the Link cosplay, god how cringey could this kid be?

"You again? Bug off." You hiss, pulling out your sketchbook and beginning to work on the sketch for your next painting.

"Are you drawing? What're you drawing!?" He asked, does this kid ever shut up?

"I'm drawing your mom," You replied in an annoyed tone, "Please go away."

"Nope! You're stuck with me!" He smiled, "The name is BEN Drowned, call me BEN."

Even his name was cringey, jeez, would this kid ever quit? "(Y/N). You're going to get me in trouble."

"I know." BEN replied, "You seem like a nice person to be stuck in detention with."

"I'll seem even nicer if you'd stop talking to me and let me focus," How was he not taking the hint? "Why're you even here?"

"Because you're here. I figured I might as well stick around you since I got you in trouble in the first place." He gave you a little grin, one that almost made him cute.

"Oh, I see.." You mutter, so now he's stalking you.

"Ms. (L/N), who're you talking to?!" The teacher snapped.

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