He Breaks Something of Yours

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ignore the reads on this
it's an old chapter i
have written over!

very important
authors note at the end!
please read :) !

Jeff the Killer
Jeff had already broken a window and several dishes before, and he was very cautious not to break anything else. That is, until..

"You're mine now!" He laughed, pinning you to the ground. You two loved to play wrestle, and he always won. But that never stopped you from trying.

"Not for long!" You replied, sliding under him and proceeding to grab his shoulders. You were now safely situated on his back, and his arms were in your hold. Jeff squirmed for a minute before breaking free one of his shoulders and accidentally hitting you in the face with it. Hard.

"Oh my god, (Y/N) are you okay? I am so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you! I love you." Jeff was panicking, especially when he saw that your nose was bleeding.

"I love you too, Jeff. But I'm almost positive you just broke my nose."

BEN Drowned
Sometimes BEN would get a little rowdy. When he gets excited about things, or super happy because something happened, he tends to jump around a lot.

"Ben you need to chill, you're going to hurt yourself," You laughed. BEN was currently jumping on the bed, like a child.

"I'll be fine, (Y/N)! If I get hurt, my lovely girlfriend is here to fix me right up!" He have you that stupid cute smile of his, the one he knows can get him away with anything. "Promise! I'll be careful and safe!" Just as his sentence finished, you heard a loud snap and BEN fell.

"Did you just break my bed?!" You gasped, "You dumbass! My bed is broken now!"

Eyeless Jack
"(Y/N) you're always on your phone," Jack whined a little, "Don't you think you should get off and maybe hang out with me a little?"

"Jack, I am hanging out with you," You looked away from your phone for a minute and to him, "We can't just enjoy each other's company?"

"I want to enjoy the company of you actually paying attention to me," He grabbed your phone and held it up high so you couldn't reach it, "Pretty please?"

"Okay, okay, I will. But can I have my phone back? I just want to have it." You tried to grab it, making his grip loosen and your phone falling on the floor.

"Oh my god," Jack said quietly, "Oh my god (Y/N) if it's broke I'll get you a new one. I'm sorry."

You slowly picked up your phone, cringing when you saw the state of it. "Yeah. The screen is shattered, you turd. You broke my phone."

Dark Link
Dark had been extra, extra careful with you since he accidentally cut your face during that fight. He made sure not to pull out his sword too fast or make sudden movements.

The two of you were hanging out in your room, and he was getting ready to leave. His only task before leaving was trying to find the ferret you two had gotten together. Right as he was about to stand up, you shouted for him to watch his feet.

In attempt to not step on the little furry creature below his foot, he lost his balance and fell backwards. Right into your TV. Unfortunately, the TV couldn't handle his weight and snapped in half.

"You broke my TV.." Your mouth was gapped open, "At least the ferret is safe, I guess..."

Lost Silver
if you don't wear glasses please feel free to replace this with sunglasses or something! (also if you aren't ticklish...now you are)
Silver loved tickle fights. Yes, that's right. Tickle fights. You're both extremely ticklish, which made tickle fights all the more fun. He was the one that usually initiated them, because he loved the way your eyes lit up when you were taken by surprise.

Unfortunately, on this particular day, when the tickle fight started your glasses were caught in the midst of them. And Silver accidentally stepped on them.

"(Y/N) I-I'm suh-so sorry-y! Pl-Please fuh-forgive me!" He hugged you and held his head down when apologising.

You hugged him back, "Don't worry, Silv. I forgive you for breaking my glasses."

Ticci Toby
Toby's a sensitive boy, there's no hiding it. You had known from the beginning he was very open about his feelings despite being a serial killer. One day, when he came over, the minute he looked you in the eyes he burst into tears.

"(Y/N) I know I'm not good enough for you. You deserve a normal boy who can feel pain and cold and heat. Someone who didn't kill his dad and burn down his whole neighbourhood. Someone your age who doesn't kill people!" It was safe to say that Toby was a blubbering mess, ugly crying to the point his goggles were foggy over his eyes and you knew it was hard to breath under that mask.

"Toby, look at me," You spoke, holding onto the sides of his face, "I might deserve better but I don't want better. I want you, Toby." You moves his goggles off of his face so you could clearly see his eyes, "Because I love you. You're everything I could ever want and more. I wouldn't trade you for the world." He didn't say anything, he just hugged you tightly and cried harder.

Seeing Toby so upset like that, it had broken your heart.

"You don't know what a jump scare is?" You almost couldn't believe your ears when you heard this. Masky, a serial killer, has never heard of a jump scare. Obviously, you used this to your advantage. "Here. I'll show you exactly what a jump scare is."

On your laptop, you pulled up that best jump scare video to ever exist, the jump scare that started all jump scares. Yes, you know, THE video. "Watch this."

You watched in anticipation along side of Masky, prepared for the jump scare that would happen at any moment.

As soon as the jump scare happened, Masky jumped out of the chair and literally broke it. The entire chair. Broken.

"Wow. If I had known your reaction would break my computer chair I wouldn't have shown you..."

You're not one for jewellery and that was no secret. But before your grandma left, she gave you a simple necklace with some little pendant on it. It meant a lot to you, since it was from your grandma, and you started to wear it all the time.

"I like your necklace," Hoodie pointed to it from across the bed, "Is it new? You've never worn that before."

"My grandma gave it to me," You let him touch the pendant part, "Just recently. I decided a little piece of jewellery couldn't hurt. Do you like it?"

"Yeah, it's really nice on you," Hoodie sounded like he was smiling.

As his hands were still holding onto it, your puppy, (name), put his paws and fully body weight on Hoodie's arm, causing the necklace chain to snap.

"Oh god (Y/N) I'm so sorry." He began apologising profusely for your puppy's actions.

You blinked a few times before laughing, "I guess it's a sign I shouldn't wear jewellery huh? Guess I'll have to get a new chain since the other is broken now.."

this book is being
placed on hold for a
while. i will still be writing
but not as often.
ALSO, would you rather
i discontinue
if no one helps with this
i'll make the choice
thank you <3

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