He Comes Over After a Kill...

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Jeff the Killer
At this point, you were used to Jeff coming over after he got done with a kill. If he was in the area, he'd stop by. It had gotten to the point that you actually had spare clothes for him to wear while his were in the wash. He was always thankful that you were there to take care of him the way you were, and he ALWAYS stressed that to you before he left that night (or sometimes the next morning).

BEN Drowned
Often, you forgot BEN was a serial killer. You never asked how he did it, or why he did it. You just knew that it happened. You honestly tried not to think about it. But once, he showed up with blood stains on his hat and little drops still on his ears. You knew he had just gotten back from a kill. Honestly, it kind of freaked you out a little. You never asked, but you always worried that he was meaning to kill you when he first met you.

Eyeless Jack
It wasn't a secret that Jack was a serial killer, or that he ate people. You had never experienced him after a 'meal' prior to now. He seemed happier than usual and when he kissed you, you could taste blood. Of course, you freaked out. It took Jack almost two hours to even calm you down enough so that you could talk. Afterwards, he made a mental note to never kiss you after just eating. But in his defence, it was eat people or die. And neither of you wanted him to die.

Dark Link
Dark loved to boast about his kills to you. All the time, really. You didn't exactly enjoy thinking about your boyfriend literally murdering people for fun, but when he went on and on about it you had no choice. Recently, he came over with blood still fresh on his sword. He didn't seem like he wanted to talk much about this one, and when you asked, all he said was that it wasn't fun.

Lost Silver
Honestly you had no idea Silver was a killer until this day. It was a shock, really. But when he explained it to you, saying that he killed mostly people who deserved it, you felt a little less...wrong about it. You didn't ask about the qualifications for "deserving it", though you hoped it was pedophiles and people along those lines. Despite being a little shaken up from the news, you helped clean up him face and he asked you about your day.

Ticci Toby
Whenever Toby killed someone it was very obvious. His adrenaline would still be pumping when he came to see you and he'd always do something spunky. This time around, with his blood covered clothes, he hugged you and grabbed you by the face and kissed you. Not your first kiss, thankfully. But definitely not a way you'd expect to be kissed. Now both of you needed a shower and a change of clothes.

You didn't ask questions, you didn't want to know. But sometimes Masky would show up a little more worn down than usual, and he'd smell a little bit like blood. You always had a feeling deep down the name and mask were because he needed to keep his real identity a secret, and you feared it was because he was a killer. He assured you he would never hurt you or your family, but it still made you weary every time he came over after what you suspected was a kill.

Hoodie never told you he was a killer, but you caught on by yourself. Normal people don't dress how he does, and normal people don't go by a silly nickname like "Hoodie". On this particular day, it seemed whoever he was hunting had fought back. Hoodie came to your house with injuries out the wazoo. He told you it was fine, he completed his "mission" as he called it, but you were still worried about him. With a quit google search of how to give stitches from home, you fixed him up.

i went against some
cannons here and honest ?
i don't think i care v much
it's been so long since i
read about any of these
boys, i wouldn't be able to
write them as cannon anyway

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