His Favourite Thing About You

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Slender has grown to love your voice. He could listen to you talk for hours, about anything. He doesn't even mind the nickname that much anymore, as long as he gets to hear your voice, he's happy.

Jeff the Killer
Jeff liked your fashion sense. Weird thing for a boy, especially a boy like Jeff, to enjoy. But he did, he loved it. He loved that one day you'd be in sweats and a tank top with your hair in a bun and little to no makeup (the makeup that was there was always yesterday's mascara or eyeliner, and it was smudged), but the next you'd have your hair done beautifully with your makeup nice and you'd be in a cute skirt or dress.

BEN Drowned
Ben loves to listen to you sing, whether it be when you're singing beautifully or out of tune. He loved it. You always looked like you were having so much fun, with the biggest smile on your face. Sometimes you would mindlessly sing quietly, and he'd be sure to keep quiet so he could hear you.

Eyeless Jack
Jack adores your hugs. Cliché, yes, but you have the best hugs. Jack could be terrified or angry or sad, but the minute you wrap your arms around him and burry your head in his chest, he's calm. No one has ever had this effect on him, and he's glad you're the only one who does.

Dark Link
Dark is a total sucker for the way you looked when you just woke up or when you're about to sleep. There was something about your early morning messy hair and your late night eyes that made him go crazy, it takes him a lot of self control not to just kiss you then and there.

Lost Silver
Silver likes when you read. This is because you look so peaceful yet so focused, your glasses (if you don't normally wear glasses, pretend they're reading glasses :-)) always sat low on the tip of your nose, and how your facial expression would change depending on the characters feelings or actions. Your brows would furrow in confusion, you'd groan out of anger, giggle of happiness, and tear up of sadness. Watching you read was one of his new favourite hobbies.

Ticci Toby
Toby's favourite thing about you was the fact that you always had your toenails painted. It's weird, yes. Who even pays attention to that? Well, he did. It was always the little things he noticed about you. He noticed they were always painted a different colour every week and they never chipped, you kept them nice. He liked it best when they were pink, because it was a cute colour, and he thought it fit you nicely.

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