Welcome... Laughing Jack!

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Let's all give a warm welcome to Laughing Jack, everyone's favorite evil clown! *LJ casually grinning as everyone cheers*

When You Meet
You and your friends had snuck into an old building and were looking around, just for fun. A few people had been murdered there, but no one had ever been convicted of the crimes. There was never any evidence, only ever the bloody remains of whatever soul had wondered into the building. And honestly, you were scared. Though you didn't want to admit that to your friends in fear they would tease you. So you sucked it up and continued on. Until, that is, weird things started to happen to your friends. At first, one of them disappeared. You all wrote it off as them messing with you, but then you heard the laughter of what sounded to be a male and then the distant sound of tearing flesh and breaking bones.

The moment that happened, Hell broke loose. You had quickly run from the group and into a lower area of the building in hopes of hiding. You found a nice place, it was small and there was no way a man could get in either end of it.

After what felt like hours, you had heard a load of screams and that sound of breaking bones echoed through the halls and into your mind, in which they stuck forever. There were evident footsteps approaching your hiding spot, and then you saw the feet of the murderer. You thought you were safe, he clearly hadn't found you yet and he wasn't going to be able to reach you from where he was.

But then, he quickly stuck his head at the entrance of the hole and said in a low, sing-songy voice, "Pop! Goes the weasel." And just like that you were dragged out of the hole by a long arm and dangled in front of his face.

When You Meet Again
Instead of murdering you right away, the weird clown man had thrown you into a room with your dead friends. You had been in there for two days, as of now, and you were pretty hungry. It was sort of hard to be hungry, though, with the awful smell. You haven't had any signs of the man coming back. You had your cell phone on you but by now the battery was at 0. It hadn't mattered, anyway. This place had absolutely no signal. You couldn't call for help even if you wanted to.

Suddenly, the door opened and there was the man, "Hello, small one."

There was silence as you were trying to find words, "W-Why haven't you killed me? Why did you do this to my friends?!"

"Oh you see, my dear, your eyes, they remind me of someone I had once loved so dearly," He made a fake frown, more so an angry scowl than anything, "Until she left me."

You were terrified, he seemed so angry towards this woman, and if you reminded him of her? You were surely dead, too.

"I'm letting you leave, I'm sure you won't make the same mistakes as her," He started speaking again, "Be sure to come back and visit soon, otherwise you'll end up just like them." He began to guide you to the front of the building and then let you out, "Until next time, my dear!"

Randomly Seeing Him
There was no telling when you'd go back, you couldn't because of the police there currently. You knew they'd drop the case in a day or less, though. They've seen it so many times they just don't care anymore. After a week, you went back into the building, "Hello?"

"Oh my dear!" He cried out, "You did return! I was afraid you wouldn't!" He hugged you, his entire personality had changed, he didn't seem threatening or hostile anymore. Rather he was..kind?

"I-I am back.." You stated slowly, "What's your name?"

"I'm Laughing Jack! But my friends all call me Jack!" He smiled. This maniac had friends?

You took this time to take in his appearance. He was tall and very black and white. His nose was like a cone, with, get this, black and which spiral. The only hint of colour was on his cheeks, which seemed to be a light pink at this point.

You two had sat in the main room of this building for hours, because when you had finally noticed it was dark, your mother called and yelled, asking where you were because it's almost four in the morning.

Jack had given you a quick goodbye and a peck to the forehead, (no, not with his nose) then sent you off.

For some reason, you had started to feel softly for him. It was bad, he had killed your friends and kept you imprisoned for two days, but you really couldn't help yourself from feeling this way. He didn't seem too bad if you knew how to talk to him. But you refused to let yourself like him, you were only going to save your own life.

Meeting Another Pasta
You were not interested in meeting ANY of this guys friends, but at the same time, you were. You had grown oddly close to Jack, as it had been about three months since you first met. He had told you his story, and you felt sympathetic towards him. He didn't deserve that. But then again, neither did that woman.

One day, when you came to visit, there was another man with him. He had a blue mask with a black ooze coming from the eyes. His skin was a dark grey, and he was wearing a dark hoodie. You had no idea what the liquid was, but the man later explained it was his blood and all of that other jazz. Then he put some on his finger and rubbed it across your nose. It smelled horrible and you screamed.

It wasn't bad, meeting LJ's friend. However you definitely knew that you preferred him on his own. The two of them started talking about their recent kills. LJ had never spoken to you like that, and you were very thankful for it.

When You Talk About a Boy
There was a point in time when you didn't have any time to show up at Jack's "home". When you finally did get the time, you showed up and you went blabbing on about some boy, much to Jack's dismay. He asked you the location of this boy so he could "eliminate" him. But, of course, you told him not to worry and that hopefully you would never be late again. This taught you, though. Never talk about another boy. The look in his eyes was almost frightening. You didn't want anything bad to happen to you, or anyone else.

You were constantly calling him Rainbow because of how he used to look, he wasn't bothered by it at all, really. He just wished it could have been because of his sparkling personality...okay, maybe it did bother him. He looked like a walking clown back then and the name reminds him of that. You are constantly reminding him, though, that he was a walking clown.

He Asks You Out..(kind of)
There was a point in time where things between you became less tense and more fun. You no longer felt like a prisoner to him and he no longer saw you as one. Now things between you two were normal and the feelings were obvious. One day he strolled up to you on your way home from school and asked you if you wanted to date, because he felt as though you already were but he just wanted the label there, too. Of course, you said yes, you wouldn't say no to him. You were kind of surprised, though. You didn't think Jack knew that much about real human things like that. You also didn't know that he was even capable of feeling like that.

His Favourite Thing About You
Your eyes. There was no doubt about it, and even you knew. He had told you right when you met, remember? The reason he spared you was because your eyes reminded him of that other girl. It kind of offended you, honestly. His favourite thing about you was something that reminded him of another girl. Nice. But it was better than being killed, you know?

Listening to Music
song: Brothers On a Hotel Bed - Death Cab for Cutie

You were obsessed with this band. They're absolutely amazing. You weren't really into loud music or songs about boys, you were into music that was soft, with a voice to match, and that's exactly what Death Cab is. They're soft and quiet and it just made you happy. It was a new state to see Jack in. He was sitting cross legged next to you and his eyes were closed. He looked kind of...peaceful. And he had never been like that before.

You Call Him by His Full Name
He kept following you around. You'd get weird stares and occasionally he'd...hiss...at people.
You were starting to get embarrassed, and finally, when he hissed at some little kid and made him cry, you had had enough.

"Laughing Jack!" You hissed, putting extra emphasis on Jack, "Knock it off this instant! If you want to go out in public with me like this you must act like a human being!"

He hung his head low as he apologised to you, and from then on he hadn't messed up at all. He did, however, remind you that he isn't technically a human being. But he still listened, and you didn't have any other instances like this afterwards.

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