When You Meet

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You're terrified of the dark, to put it simply. And your friends thought it'd be so funny to leave you alone in the middle of the woods, at night. You sat in your tent, shivering from the cold summer air, and shivering from fear.

Outside, there was movement. You assumed it was your friends, so you walked outside. "You guys are such assholes you know?" You spoke, then hearing a voice that didn't belong to any of your friends.

"Well I'm offended you think of me like that," He spoke, "Face me, child."

Shamefully you turned around, and you were greeted by the one and only Slenderman. Overwhelmed with fear, you cowered away. The whole time, you'd believed he was just a legend. But he's standing in front of you now. Words could not explain how horrified you were.

"I'm not going to hurt you, though I cannot promise the same to your friends." And you were then left alone, terrified, cold, and confused.

Jeff The Killer
You were in the midst of taking a calming bath when someone opened the front door. Assuming it was your parents, you shouted, "I'm in the bathroom!"

But, when the bathroom door swung open minutes later to reveal a pale boy with a wide smile, you screamed. "What the hell?!" You screech, "Get out!"

"But I'm here to kill you!" He replied, flailing his arms. "You can't tell me to leave!"

"I'm naked, come back to kill me some other time!" You wrap a towel around your body and push him out. You had no idea where this amount of confidence was coming from, the sight of the boy was horrifying to be frank.

"If I come back tomorrow around this time can I kill you?" He asked, looking you in the eye. This is when you took notice to the dark rings around his eyes.

"Yeah, whatever! Just not now!" You spoke, gripping the towel tighter around your body.

"I'll see you tomorrow then!" He turned around and left out the front door. Who the fuck is this guy?

BEN Drowned
You're known in school as the prankster, and everybody, including the teachers, knew about it.

So, when all of homescreens on all of the school's computers were changed, they blamed you.

"But how could I have done that?!" You question, "I came to school three minutes before the first bell, left school at the last bell, and have been in class all time in between."

"Who else would do something as horrible as that?! Where do you even find those photos!?" The computer teacher asked you.

"They were your wedding photos, not porn!" You protest. This teacher in particular had always been pretty stuck-up, but this was an all time high for stuck-up-ness. Absolutely ridiculous.

"You have two weeks detention," The principle told you, "Go back to your class."

As you walked out there was a chuckle, "Ah, I love when other people get punished for my doings."

You turn around, greeted by a boy in a Link costume, "You're in the, the fifth grade how can you do all that?" Why would someone wear a cosplay to school? That's embarrassing.

"I'm not in the fifth grade!" He stomped his foot.

"You're acting like it," You rolled your eyes, "I don't have time for this. Later, kid."

Eyeless Jack
You were trying to get stuff done around the house. Key word- trying. You were actually dancing to the obnoxiously loud music you had playing.

"Can you turn it down? My ears are bleeding," You didn't know who the voice came from, but you responded nevertheless.

Without thinking you paused the music, "Hey! (favourite band) aren't that bad!"

"You aren't going to scream?" The voice sounded confused this time.

"No, why would I?" You turn around and see a blue masked boy with dark skin, and brown hair. Slightly frightened, you reacted the only way you could think of. "Who the hell are you?" You ask, "How'd you get in here?"

"You left the window downstairs open. I originally planned on killing you, but your lack of fear really ruins the whole vibe." The empty sockets where his eyes should be seemed to stare into your soul, "Goodbye. Please get a better taste in music."

"Okay, rude," You scoffed, watching him the whole time he walked out the door.

Dark Link
"Goddammit," You mutter, "Why can't I beat this stupid boss?" You were trying to beat Dark Link (for the seventh time), but sadly, you were failing miserably.

"Hey! I'm not stupid. Also, I'm a mini-boss." The voice literally came from the TV, and it was Dark Link talking to you. As if that were normal.

Before you had time to think, Dark Link was standing before you, with his sword out and pressed against your chest. "Oh." You squeak, "I'm not Link, don't kill me!" You had an immense amount of fear in your stomach, you begged internally that this was a dream.

He pressed the sword tighter against your skin, "Why shouldn't I? I've already killed you seven times in game. Why not make it a lucky eight?"

"Exactly! Seven is so many. I literally just need to beat this stupid game," Convincing yourself it was a dream made it easier to talk to it, "Just...go back in the game and let me defeat you."

He didn't say another word, he just went back into the game. That verified that it was a weird dream or hallucination for you. However, he was much easier to fight this time and you actually won.

Lost Silver
Ever since you were little, Pokémon was one of your favourite games. You always went back and played the old ones just for nostalgias sake, since most of the newer games weren't your cup of tea.

Pokémon Silver was your all time favourite, since it was the first one you ever played. The cartridge was probably 10 years old at this point. Your mom bought it for you when you were really young, and it was used. On this particular day, the cartridge seemed to be acting a little glitchy. You decided against playing, and took a nap instead.

A loud crash woke you up, and when you opened your eyes you took immediate notice to the fact that it was now nighttime. It took a minute for your eyes to adjust, but when they did you saw a pale boy in all black and white clothes standing against the furthest wall.

"Who the fuck are you?" You were terrified, reaching for your phone to call 911.

"Puh-Please don't call th-the police." He put his arms in front of him, "Muh-My name is Luh-Lost Silver. I mean you no huh-harm."

You sat up further, some kid with a stutter broke into your house, and is now asking you not to call the police. "Get out, don't come back or I will call them next time."

Lost Silver, if that was really his name, disappeared right before your eyes. You had a hard time sleeping after that.

Ticci Toby
You liked your alone time, and usually it was spent by the pond at the end of your property line. It was rather isolated, the neighbours around here are all far apart, and your parents owned a lot of land.

When you went down there today, something was off. The water seemed too still, and there were not birds in the trees. That's when you saw him. There was a boy, well around your age, just sitting at the end of the pond, the water pooling around his ankles.

As you got closer you noticed the blood-rusted hatchets laying beside him, making you gasp.

"I'm not going to kill you. Calm down." He twitched, "I'm Toby Rodgers. Call me Ticci Toby."

"(Y/N)." You respond, "What're you doing here?"

"This is where y-you come for alone time..isn't it? I've watched you down here a few times. Thought I might give it a go." Toby spoke, "Not watched in a weird w-way. I guess it was more of an admiration thing. I promise it isn't supposed to be creepy."

You laughed a little, "Okay, Toby."

He didn't stick around for long. It seemed like just minutes after the two of you sat in the silence together he was gone without a word, leaving you to wonder who he really was.

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