Making Up (Apologies)

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It had been weeks since you saw Slenderman. He hadn't come around, and neither had you. Frankly you both needed time away from each other. You knew you had been out of line, and he knew he had been too harsh with you. And you decided it was time to apologise.

You were walking in the woods, looking around for Slender. You knew he wouldn't show until you were deeper in the woods, but with every second that passed you became more and more paranoid. What if he killed you on spot?

Right as you thought that, you were lifted off the ground by one of Slenderman's tendrils. You could tell by the way the air felt that he was angry. He probably thought you were someone trespassing his woods.

"Slender please don't kill me!" You squeezed your eyes shut and begged, "I came to say I'm sorry! I was out of line with the things I said and knowing what I know I never should have said them." It took a second, but the air around you felt different.

"Oh my Dove, I thought you were never coming back. I thought I had lost you for good." He dropped you for a second but caught you with his arm, then hugging you, "Please, let's never do anything like that again." You agreed to that without a second thought.

Jeff the Killer
A dead cat sat outside next to the road and you saw it everyday for two weeks until something inevitably drug it away. That was a reminder every day for two weeks about Jeff basically destroying your kitchen, and breaking a window. Explaining that to your parents was pretty hard, but eventually they bought the excuse of someone being an ass and throwing a rock at your window. In total, Jeff's damage cost about 400 dollars. Most of that was for the window.

Your parents were gone out to dinner for their anniversary, and someone had just knocked on the door. You lived in a fairly nice neighbourhood so naturally, you answered. Jeff was the last person you expected to be there. He looked anxious, more so than usual.

"(Y/N) I'm sorry." Before you could even say anything, he walked inside, "I'm sorry for destroying everything and I'm sorry for waiting so long to come by and apologise. I was so worried that you'd hate me-"

"Jeff I don't think I could ever hate you. Unless you like, cheat on me or kill my family or something," You gave a nervous laugh, "Everything is fine. I forgive you."

He pulled you in for a tight hug, "Good. I don't know that I'd do without you.."

BEN Drowned
BEN had tried to contact you the day after it happened and you ignored it. You ignored him when he showed up at your school, in your room, anywhere you saw him. You weren't ready to talk yet, and when you were, he'd probably be there. You didn't think you should apologise to him, and he didn't either. He was the one in the wrong in the situation. When you were finally ready to talk to him, he let you know that for sure.

"I'm sorry I've been so consumed in video games lately," BEN sighed, "There's no excuses, really. You're my girlfriend. And unless there's a premeditated plan that allows me to play video games instead of be with you, you'll always come first."

Admittedly, you laughed a little. "Where did you learn the word premeditated? There's no way that was in your vocabulary before someone told it to you."

"Okay, so maybe EJ helped me out a little with the apology.." BEN looked at his hands, "But that doesn't make it any less sincere. I just wanted to have the right words to say the right thing."

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