Chapter 4

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  All this shit drama about Harry and Kendall on the yacht... All I have to say is, it's their lives, it's up to them to do what they want, and you can't judge them for that. I've seen directioners calling Kendall a bitch and slut for Harry, and I think that's so wrong. If you are truly fans, you wouldn't be hating on Kendall, but supporting Harry for he is happy now. And some CaKe and Larry shippers need to back off. FYI Cara has a girlfriend Annie, and Louis has someone else, regardless if it's Briana or Danielle. And yes, I also do think that Louis being a dad is quite unlikely, but you have to respect your idol's decisions and always be happy for them, that's what being in a fandom is about. Not hating, just my opinion. -Author.

"You look gorgeous, babe," Harry said as he wrapped his arms around Kendall. She smiled, and leaned in to peck his cheek.

"For you only, Mr. Styles," she said, before guiding them to the car. They drove in silence, with Kendall blasting a bit of Elvis while Harry argued for One Direction.

"Who plays their own songs?!" Kendall argued as Harry laughed and turned the radio back to One Direction.

"Me, and me only, Kenny," Kendall shivered at the comment. Kenny. Harry had never called her that before, and her mind shot back to high school Cara. My Kenny. Only mine, you're my Kenny.

"Don't call me that, Harry. It brings back bad memories..."

"Ok sorry, Kenny. I promise I won't do it ever again. "

"Thanks Harold. "

"Teresa, are you ready? Come on, we're late already!" Cara yelled as she watched her date for the night put her final touches of makeup. She was so beautiful, but no one beat that Jenner girl. Why did she caught her eye so much? Didn't Cara have a quest to find Kendall? Why...

  As they arrived at the place, Teresa held onto Cara's hand tightly, and smiled.

"relax, we'll do fine. You're mine for the night, remember? This is a one time thing, Teresa," Cara assured her. This was the chance she had to make the Jenner jealous on live tv. Hopefully she'll be watching.


  Harry was hanging out and having a bit of champagne with a few other guests, while Kendall decided to separate for a while to get some fresh air. But out of the corner of her eye, she spotted two familiar female figures. She spotted the dirty blonde, and gasped. It can't be. This is such a coincidence! And as the blonde turned, Kendall couldn't keep her heart from beating faster than a race car.

She was dressed in a elegant light green dress, bringing out her model curves and beautiful body. She had beautiful makeup, and her hair was styled to slight curls. Kendall felt underdressed in her Balmain jumpsuit. She quickly turned from Cara, not wanting her to notice. She had her arms around a girl; probably her girlfriend, so Kendall didn't have to worry; because she no longer had any chance with Cara anymore after she rejected her.

"Hey, Ken, what are you looking at?" Harry warmly whispered.


"Well, come on, they've invited us to a private room with their newest model, Cara Delevingne. Have you heard of her, love?" Oh.

"I...have, I think. It's just us...and her?"

"Not really. A couple of VIPs too. We're having champagne. It's really good, actually," he kissed her softly. Kendall responded, before Harry broke off and led them to the room.

   "Ah! Harry Styles! The One Direction guy!" Kendall could hear Cara calling Harry from outside the door.

"Cara. Nice meeting you. I brought my girlfriend up, if you don't mind. "

"I don't! Does anyone know who she is yet?"

"Not really. The media doesn't. She's a doctor, you see. We like to keep our relationship private. "

"Sure, come in, Mrs. Styles!" Cara chuckled. Kendall braced herself, before pushing open the door.

Cara was seated at a long couch, with Harry on the armchair beside her. And as Cara laid her eyes on her, her jaw dropped.

"Cara Delevingne, meet my girlfriend, Kendall Jenner," Harry said proudly. "Or Kenny, for short," she smirked. Kendall cringed. She definitely knows now. Cara was in shock, her eyes studying Kendall. Kendall felt insecure, before realising the only free seat was right beside Cara. She blushed, and waved.

"Hello, Cara. "

"Dr. Jenner?" Crap.

"What?" Harry cut in.

"She...she was my therapist. For one visit. I..." Cara was still studying and checking Kendall out.

"Well, I'm sure you two know each other then, I'm gonna let you two socialise while I go grab a drink with some lads. " Harry smiled, before he walked away. Kendall grabbed his hand, gave him a pleading look to stay, but he only smiled back and kissed her, before walking out the door and locking it.

  Kendall stood there in uncomfortable silence. It was only the two of them there.

  "I don't bite, you know. " Cara mentioned, her eyes burning.

Catching You In My Arms (CaKe AU Cara Delevingne X Kendall Jenner)Where stories live. Discover now