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Two weeks passed since I had been beaten by my mother and then released from the hospital. I'd like to say I spent those two weeks completely happy, but unfortunately that was not the case. The moving process was absolute hell, and on top of that Gina and I were having to deal with social services about who I was to live with. In the end it was up to me to decide where I wanted to live and I obviously chose the Dallas family. I also was told I would have to testify against my mother in court.

Through all of this torture I did find a small portion of joy in one thing, and that was my date with Cameron. It had went extremely well, and in fact, we had been on several more dates after that one. He was indeed not the guy I had presumed him to be. Shockingly, he was sweet, and under that hard outer shell he carried around, he actually had a huge heart that I for one, could honestly say I was in love with.


"Are you ready?" Cameron asked me, reaching his hand out for me to grab. I nodded and placed my hand into his. He shut the car door behind me, and led me inside of a nice restaurant. If I could've seen myself, I probably would've described the look on my face as a child walking into a candy shop. It was completely stunning, and I had never seen a more beautiful place to eat. Cameron began talking to a waiter while I glanced around at every thing.

"Right this way", the waiter stated cheerfully. Cameron pulled me along behind him, as we followed the waiter to an outdoor table for the two of us. There was no one around except for an old couple a few tables down. I smiled at them. I hoped that one day I would be as lucky as them to still have a relationship as strong as that. Cameron pulled out my chair for me, allowing me to sit down, and then pushed it back in. I mumbled a quiet thank you to him, and he nodded.

"Wow, you sure do know how to impress a girl!", I said chuckling.

"I'm not all bad, there is a little good inside of me." He smirked as he picked up a menu to browse through it. The waiter soon returned to take our drink requests.

"Water", Cameron replied smiling.

"Same for me", I added.

The waiter smiled, and glided off to fetch our drinks. Cameron and I glanced over our menus silently until he returned and then ordered. The waiter then grabbed our menus and walked away to put our order in.

"So now I know about your dad and your mom, do you have any siblings?" Cameron asked raising his eyebrows.

In fact I did have an older sister, but she wasn't a part of my life either. Shortly after the year she graduated, she left home, became a pot-head, and never came back. We hadn't heard from her since. I often thought about her a lot. I pondered how she was doing, and if she was still into drugs, but she had left us no way of contacting her.

"Yeah, I have an older sister, but I just don't keep in touch with her." I said softly. "What about you?"

"I actually have a twin brother." he said laughing.

"No you're kidding?" I asked.

For a moment I thought he had been pulling my leg, until his laughter stopped.

"No I'm serious. When we were both born, my parents were in a terrible financial state, I've always been told they were only able to keep one of us, so I was the one they kept." He said frowning.

I couldn't imagine having to choose which one of my own children, that I would keep and which one I would have to turn away. I especially couldn't imagine how Cameron felt. Having to live with the guilt of your parents giving up your own twin brother instead of you.

"Have you ever met him?" I asked intrigued by the fact that I now knew he had another sibling.

"Sadly, I haven't." He said shaking his head. I could see the sadness in his eyes, and I decided not to ask any more questions. I didn't want to upset him more than he already was. Thankfully, the food soon arrived, and we ate dinner in peace, occasionally making small talk in between. After dinner, Cameron paid the cashier at the front, and we left.

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