f o r t y - f i v e

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The house was unusually quiet. Without Alex here, it seemed to be less vivid and exciting, although I still had Cameron. Alex often called, but only to chat and speak of how his studies were going. I was starting to believe he had a girlfriend that was unspeakable of, yet he wouldn't ever spill it if he did.

"Cameron, have you talked to Sierra?" I asked as I lounged on the couch. Sierra hadn't spoken to us in 2 weeks, and I was rather worried. I told myself not to think too much of it, considering she just had a baby, and all. I honestly missed her company most of all.

"No I haven't spoken to her since Monday, why?" Cameron's hands continued to scrub the plate in the sink. He had managed to wash the dishes, while I did laundry. I figured the apartment could use some cleaning up, especially since none of us ever really cleaned.

I stood up and stretched feeling my shirt rise up over my stomach. Cameron glided behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I could feel his hot breath running down my neck.

"What do you say we put all of this cleaning aside." His voice sent chills down my spine. I glanced at the rain outside that fell rapidly, and then closed my eyes. Cameron began planting soft kisses down my neck, and spun me around. His kisses continued down to my chest.

"Cam.." I whispered. I really wasn't feeling it right then. I especially didn't want to have a heated make out session in my dirty living room. It seemed even more disgusting in my head, the thought of it.

Cameron tossed me onto the couch, leaving a trail of soft kisses lightly on my body. I longed for his lips to be on mine.

"Cameron." I stated. "Kiss me already."

He smirked and smashed his lips against mine, his tongue automatically begging for an entrance that I instantly gave. One hand found its way to be tangled in my hair, while the other slowly moved up and down feeling on my body.

His lips parted from mine, and once again, he left small, careful kisses down my body, causing me to arch my back in frustration. He slowly went to unbutton my pants, and I stopped him.

"Cameron.. No." I shoved him off of me. I wasn't ready to have sex with him yet. I just wasn't ready. He stood up and gave me a confused look.

"What did I do?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"Nothing I'm just... Not ready cameron." I whispered. He seemed agitated by my statement.

He walked into the kitchen and continued washing dishes, slamming them into the sink, and splashing into the water.

"Cameron.." I said slowly.

His eyes glared at me. "Not ready? Sure okay."

I felt frustrated that he was so angry over the situation. He knew how I felt. He knew what my limitations were.

"Cameron.." I said trying to grab his attention. He ignored my voice, and fulfilled his job cleaning the dishes.

"Cameron." I said more sternly this time. He slammed the dish down into the sink, glancing up at me. "I'm just not ready okay?"

He shook his head and gave me a slight sarcastic laugh. His hand reached for the handle to turn the sink water off. He grabbed a towel drying his hands, and then left it on the counter, assuming I'd pick it up later when I finished the laundry.

I sighed at his frustration with me. It was obvious that he just wanted to have sex, but it should've been even more oblivious that I wasn't ready.

My heart ached, and I suddenly missed Alex's presence. Not in a way of love, but just in the way when you miss a sibling, or a best friend. I stepped into his room, now empty. The bed was perfectly made, and had not been slept in since he had left. The walls that once had been filled with pictures, were still empty. Come to think of it, the whole room was empty, and I myself felt empty.

I felt tears well up in my eyes, but I fought them back. I missed him but I knew he wanted this career more than anything, and who would I be to hold him back from that?

I found myself calling him. 6 rings went by and no answer. I decided to call again. I just wanted to hear his voice, see how he was doing. Tell him that I missed and loved him.

"Hello?" His voice sounded sleepy, but I didn't mind. It was him. "Mack?"

"Hey!" I said a little too excitedly. "I just missed you."

"I've missed you too love." Alex replied with a chuckle. I wanted so badly to ask many questions, but I knew it would be rude of me, and that he would only give me what I wanted to hear.

"You don't call much anymore.." I said quietly. The line went quiet.

"I know." He said with sorrow. "And I'm sorry I just get so busy, I don't do much of anything anymore unless it's studying!"

It made me feel better to know that he was focusing solely on his studies. Or so that's what he claimed.

"I understand. Try to call more often though. I miss you." I repeated this again. I needed him to know that I missed him. I needed him to know that he was wanted back at home.

"I miss you more Mack..."

"What's wrong?" I asked hearing the concern in his voice. He paused and then continued.

"Mack I have something to tell you."

"Yes?" I asked curiously.

"I.. I'm dating someone."

His words cut through my heart like knife on butter. But it shouldn't have. I'm with Cameron. I don't think that him being with someone necessarily hurt me, I think it was the fact that his girlfriend had become more important than his best friend.

"So that's why you don't call anymore?" I asked in a bitchy tone. Here came my attitude again.

"Mack it's not like that come on."

"No it is. I get it. I love you Alex.. Goodbye." I ended the called and sat down on what used to be his bed. I shut the door and laid back into his bed staring at the fan that spun around and around, until I felt my eyes close, and my body fell into a deep sleep.

• My Best Friend's Brother • { Cameron Dallas }Where stories live. Discover now