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Being in New York hadn't turned out so bad after all. After enjoying the penthouse for a few days, Cameron had finally made a decision on an apartment. We had settled in nicely, and even made friendly with some of the neighbors around our age.

Alex on the other hand, was not adjusting as well. He had gotten food poisoning from tai food that Cameron had ordered the night before, and ever since we had moved into the apartment, he seemed rather depressed. I felt bad for him. He had to live with Cameron and I, so he was basically a third wheel.

I often wondered what rambled through his mind, but didn't bother asking. Besides, Cameron had already tried to, and Alex wasn't budging.

For Cameron and I, it had been sort of like a vacation. Away from every thing. It was around Christmas time In New York, meaning the lights were better than average, and Christmas trees everywhere. I had been amazed at how beautiful one city could be.

I was taken from my thoughts when Cameron bursted through the door, carrying what seemed like the biggest Christmas tree he could find, and a smile across his face to go along with it.

"I thought you guys might want a tree." He said laughing nervously. He struggled to pull it through the door, and Alex helped him place it in the living room.

"And before you ask!" He said reaching into a bag that he had carried in on his wrist. "I got lights!" Cameron pulled them out of the bag holding them up for us to see.

"No ornaments either?" Alex asked sarcastically.

Cameron laughed. "There's more in the trunk of my car, smart ass."

Alex smiled for what seemed like the first time in a million years. He shoved past Cameron, and hurried down the steps, returning with a handful of bags.

"Cameron how did you get all of this? How are you affording it?" I asked concerned.

He had been splurging quite frequently, and I was worried he might be overdoing it. We had finally picked an apartment, bought groceries, and some small furniture. I wasn't complaining, I was just curious as to where all of this money was coming from.

"Mack." He said his smile fading. "How many times do I have to tell you not to worry about it?"

He slung the bags on the couch, and walked into the bathroom. Seconds later, I could hear the water running, and I assumed he was taking a shower. I looked over at Alex who had been staring at us.

"He's doing this for you." Alex said.

"He's spending way too much Alex, and you know that." I retorted.

"Cameron may be bad, but he's not stupid. He's a smart guy, and if he says he has it covered you should trust him." He said pulling the lights out of the box.

I nodded. Maybe he was right. I did trust Cameron, I really did. I just didn't want him to get us in a deep rut, where we wouldn't be able to get back out.

I walked to the bathroom door and lightly knocked on it. "Cam?" I called.

"Yeah, just one second." He replied.

I heard shuffling and movement. The door knob rattled, and he opened it, appearing in front of me. His hair was soaking wet, dripping water onto the floor, and he had a towel in his hand, ready to dry it.

"What's up?" He asked calmly.

"I just.. I'm sorry, for questioning the money situation." I said quietly.

He tapped his finger under my chin, causing me to laugh slightly. "It's all good sweetcheeks. Trust me, okay?"

I smiled and nodded. He kissed my cheek, and walked into the living room, still drying his now damp hair.
"Looking good my Alex." He chuckled pointing to the tree.

It really did. Cameron had bought white lights, which made the tree stand out a little more than it would have. Along with it, Alex had sufficiently added white Christmas ornaments onto the tree as well.

"The white looks stunning." I said gazing at the tree. Cameron nodded.

"Thank you, thank you." Alex said taking a bow.

Cameron and I laughed at him. It was nice him being happy, and all. I hadn't seen him this happy, since he's met Cameron back in Chino.


I wondered if Gina had ever really called the cops, and if they were looking for us. They would be hot on our trail by now though, considering Cameron did nothing to conceal where he's been, and where we are now.

I also missed my hometown. And as crazy and nice as it was being surrounded by Cameron and Alex, I somehow found myself missing Kylie.

I guess we only miss what we can't have. I had many opportunities to get her back, yet each time the chance came, I always picked Cameron over her.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Cameron, Alex, and I, all turned towards the door, our eyes locked on it.
Cameron looked back at me, and held his finger up to his mouth, telling me to stay quiet. I started chewing my nails, as I always did when I became nervous. Alex gave me a reassuring nod, as Cameron slowly approached the door to see who was standing outside of it.

"FBI OPEN UP." A deep voice called from the other side.

My heart stopped. They found us. The worst part was it had taken Gina pitching a fit until the FBI came looking for us.

Cameron slowly backed away from the door. He looked as if he was hoping they would go away if they received no answer. They did the opposite.


Cameron walked over to me, and wrapped his arms around me. "It's gonna be okay." He whispered into my hair.


I squeezed him even tighter. I didn't want this to go away. I didn't want to lose this.


I closed my eyes, so that every thing was dark. I could only feel Cameron's arms wrapped around my body, and his hand placed softly on my waist.


There was a loud crash, and when I opened my eyes, a dozen FBI agents scattered into the room.

"ON THE GROUND NOW. STEP AWAY FROM THE GIRL." The deep voice, who I now recognized as an FBI agent said.

Cameron kissed my head, then slowly released his arms from around me, placing them in the air.

The agent repeated.

Cameron slowly lied down, so that his face was turned towards me, and his palms lay on both sides of his head, flat.

Alex stood in shock, watching the whole event unfold, until an agent wrapped his arms behind his back, cuffing him.

The deep voiced agent, straddled Cameron's back, cuffing his hands as well, leading them both out of the room.

"No, please stop!" I cried.
The officer hugged me, trying to calm me down.

"It's okay Miss, you're safe now." He said calmly.


I ran towards Cameron wrapping my arms around his neck. He nuzzled his head into the side of my neck, since his hands were tied back, not allowing him to wrap back around me.

"Miss. I'm going to have to ask you to step away from the suspects." He said grabbing me arm.

"Mack." Cameron said softly. "It's okay."

His brown eyes looked deep into mine, and I knew in that moment I needed to trust him. I nodded, kissed his cheek, and stepped away.

"It's okay." I mumbled.

I glanced over to the agent and back at Cameron and Alex. I blamed myself, for letting them both take a fall for me. Yes, Cameron had left because of his mom, but none of this would have ever happened, had it not been for me. How could I have gotten them both into this?

Another question hit me. And as I stood staring at the both of them, helpless. All I could think was how was I going to get them both out?

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