t w e n t y - f o u r

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It seemed to me, as if I was the only one even trying to fix things with Alex. He had even come to the conclusion that he was moving out, and quite frankly, I had secretly been overjoyed about it.

Alex walked out of his bedroom, for the last time, with the last of his belongings. He hugged Sierra, gave Cameron and I both a blank stare, and then nodded.

"What you're not gonna hug them? Tell them goodbye?" Sierra asked innocently. She had no idea the history between us all. I'm sure if she did, she would've remained silent. 

"It's complicated." He replied shrugging. He turned towards the back door, and walked out. After I heard the door click, part of me wanted to run after him, but the other half of me, just wanted to let him leave.

I leaned my head onto Cameron, as Sierra just stared at us in despair.

"Here, come sit down Sierra, let me explain." I chuckled, noticing the confusing look on her face. She obeyed, and I offered her a drink before going on.

After I explained, the "that makes sense" look came across her face.

"You can't help how you feel girl! That's his fault if he's mad about that!" She said smiling. Cameron had fallen asleep, leaving Sierra and I just chatting. It was nice to have a woman figure to talk to again. After all, I had been surrounded by 2 boys for the past few months.

"Don't let it get to you. If he really wants to stay friends he'll come back, after he realizes how stupid he was." Sierra gave me another reassuring smile, and I returned one.

"Thank you, it means a lot. But enough about my pitiful life." I laughed. "If you don't mind me asking, why haven't I ever met you before?"

There it came again. The blunt Mackenzie who didn't care, how it came out. I immediately face palmed. But I relaxed, once I seen how calm she was.

"Our mother never really cared for us. So as soon as I got a little older I left. Cameron doesn't really care much about me, because I left him with our mom, but I was so young I couldn't take care of him on my own!" I could feel the sadness in Sierra's  tone. How could he blame her for that? He should know by now that wasn't her fault.

"I wish I could go back, if I could, I'd go back and rescue him like I promised." She glanced over at Cameron who was peacefully sleeping. He looked like such an angel.

"Things happen for a reason Sierra." I said trying to sound as comforting as possible. She nodded.

"I suppose you're right." She grinned. "He really does love you."

I could feel my cheeks blushing. It felt nice to know someone else seen that he truly cared for me. The reassurance, was much needed in the moment.

"I'm very lucky." I said looking up at him.

"By the looks of it, he's the lucky one." Sierra replied. "So you're 17 right?"

"Yes." I blurted.

"I don't mean to be rude, but where are your parents? They just let you go around and live with this hoodlum?" Sierra laughed.

"It's complicated." I said mimicking Alex from earlier, causing Sierra to chuckle. "No but seriously, my mom was abusive, she's in prison, and my dad left when I was too young to remember. But I don't blame him." I said, not feeling the need to hold anything back.

I felt like Sierra was an understanding person, and I felt comfortable around her.

"Honestly, this is the first time in a few months, that I've felt normal. I don't think I've had girl talk, in awhile." I laughed, and used my eyes to point at Cameron. Sierra shook her head.

"I can't imagine what it must've been like to be living with the both of them together..." She continued shaking her head, and laughing.

"Hey, it wasn't easy! But I survived!" I held up my fingers to make an "ok" symbol. "Sierra?"
I asked.


"Thank you for just chatting with me. It's nice to have a girl back in my life." I didn't want to get all sentimental but I felt the urge to thank her.

"Anytime girl! It's good to have a sister around." She winked. "Well I'm gonna head to bed now. See you in the morning."

"Goodnight Sierra." I replied.

"Goodnight love." She stood up, and inched her way down the hallway to sleep in Alex's old room. She had been with us since the day of the funeral. She thought it might be best for me, and the boys to have someone there in case I needed any help with Cameron, and of course she missed her brother's I imagine.

I nudged Cameron, after glancing at the clock to see the time. "Cameron, come on let's go to bed."

"No.." He grumbled. "Let's stay right here."

"But it's so cold." I chuckled. It really was. It felt like hell had frozen over.

"I'll keep you warm." He said in a sleepy tone, pulling me close to him. I smiled. I had missed this. I missed being in his arms, being with him.

"What about the lights cam?" I asked laughing again.

"They can't cut themselves off." He replied half asleep now. His eyes were fluttering and he struggled to stay awake.


"Shh. Shh." He said pushing his finger to my lips. "Don't speak. Just sleep."

I couldn't help but laugh at his ridiculous effort to hush me. Although it did work.

"I love you Cameron." I said smiling.

He didn't reply, and for a second I thought he was asleep. Then I heard a slight voice.

"I love you more Mack."

I snuggled my head into his warm chest, and closed my eyes. His steady heart beat, was soothing, and I knew any moment, I'd be drifting off into the deep sleep, that he too was now in.


A/N : I APOLOGIZE FOR THE CRAPPY CHAPTER, I just needed to update and this is more of a filler. That's right more events happening ahead 😋 thank you for almost 900 reads on here. It amazes me how many reads my books have gotten. It means a lot. Ok gotta stop being sentimental. Let me know how you feel I'm the comments! Thank you so much! Much love!

Xoxo - blushingcam 😚☺️

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