t h i r t y - n i n e

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Sometimes I like to think about what my life would be like if I hadn't met Kylie, or Cameron. If I had not met Kylie, I wouldn't have known Cameron, and without Cameron, I believe I wouldn't be who I am today.
It's weird to think people change you. Every second of every day that you're around someone, you learn something from them.

Whether it's how to do a math equation, or even something as deep, as how to love yourself. I believe Cameron truly taught me what it's like to have everything, and then lose it all. Which in my book, would be a very important lesson.

I think that's why letting him go was one of the hardest decisions in my life. Losing him, was painful.

I lie on the couch staring at the ceiling fan. Around and around it would go, making the same buzzing sound it always did.

Dan had left a few hours earlier with Sierra. Alex was asleep in our bed. I assumed he was pretty upset with me considering he didn't even say goodnight, but in all honesty I didn't have the nerve to care.

Cameron was asleep in the recliner across from me. I turned my head towards him, watching him sleep. His chest slowly went up and down as he inhaled and exhaled, and I've never seen him more peaceful.

The butterflies started to come back again. The ones I received when I first fell for Cameron. I wanted to shove them away, but I knew as much as I wanted to they wouldn't go away.

Here I was again. Stuck in the same triangle that had consumed my entire existence. I wanted Alex, but at the same time, Cameron needed me as much as I needed him. I knew making a decision right now, would be irrational. So I decided to keep putting thought into my head.

Wishing I had some feminine advice to grapple onto, I picked up my phone to call Sierra. I then realized she was their sister, and she was pregnant. She didn't need that stress put on her. I layer my phone back down and sighed.

"Mack?" Cameron's scratchy voice came to me. It sounded of sickness, but o knew it was just because he'd been crying so much.

"Yes love?" I replied quietly. He stretched out from under the blanket I had placed over him.

"Can I come lay with you?.." He whispered. I couldn't tell him no, but what would Alex think when he woke up in the morning and seen us? I overruled that thought.

"Yeah, sure come on." I scooted over to the inside of the couch, and pulled my blanket up for him to slide under. I pulled him close to me, although it probably should've been the other way around. I chuckled at the thought of my small self,
Struggling to get my arms wrapped around his tone body.

I think he noticed my struggle. After about 5 minutes of trying to get comfortable, he turned over and pulled me into his chest. His head nuzzled into my hair, and I felt him place a kiss on the top of my head.

When I woke up, I felt someone's beady eyes glaring back at me. It took me a moment to get them open, but when I did, I could see that Alex was standing over the top of us. Cameron's arms were still wrapped around me, and I figured Alex was pissed.

"Get the fuck up." Alex yelled. I couldn't tell if he was talking to me or Cameron. I assumed Cameron considering he jumped up as soon as Alex spoke the sentence.

"Dude chill, I swear we didn't do anything. She just slept beside me." Cameron immediately tried defending us. He knew what my relationship with Alex meant to me.

" I don't fucking care. You can stop using your petty excuses, so she'll feel bad for you. I'm sick of you doing this." Alex was yelling loud enough now, I was sure we'd get a noise complaint.

"Alex." I said trying to calm him. He gave me a death glare, and I stopped speaking.

"Get the hell out now. I don't care where you go, or who you stay with just go." Alex pointed towards the door for Cameron to leave.

"Alex, he's not leaving." I stood in front of Alex's hand that was pointing towards the door. I grabbed Cameron's wrist so that he didn't walk away, or at least try to.

"Mackenzie. Yes he is. Get your shit and go Cameron." I didn't understand why Alex had become so anal about Cameron overnight. I was Burning up with fury. Cameron would never speak to him like that.

"Cameron, stay." I demanded. Cameron stood still not sure of what to do. Alex and I went back and forth on telling Cameron what to do for a good 25 minutes. Finally I had, had all I could take.

"You know what?" I raised my voice at Alex. "You might want to rethink your "proposal", because if he goes I go."

My tone and face became serious, and I stood my ground. I wasn't about to let him kick Cameron out of his own apartment, and out of his own life.

"You can't be serious Mack." Alex said chuckling. He thought I was joking. I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows.

"If he goes, I go." I repeated. Alex's facial expression changed. He knew I was serious.

"You've got to be kidding me." Alex turned around and scoffed.

"No, I'm serious. I don't know what's gotten into you but it needs to stop." I stated.

"What's gotten into me?" He asked. I nodded.


He was right. I had. But maybe it was because I was being tied down. Tied down to him. That's when I knew I had made the right decision in my head. I had made the 100% complete right decision. I needed to break up with Alex.

I looked at him, and looked at Cameron. I was infuriated with him. I spoke no more and went straight to Cameron. I grabbed his cheeks, and I smashed my lips against his, allowing him to even slip his tongue in, just to anger Alex even more.

Cameron pulled away in shock, like he wasn't expecting something like that to happen, but I knew all along this was coming. I knew Cameron had been the right decision from the beginning.

"I can't believe you Mackenzie." Alex stated. But I could. I could believe me. Alex had only been there because he did what I thought Cameron couldn't. But Cameron was enough for me. Cameron is enough for me. And Cameron will always be enough for me.

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