New Junior

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"Class, let me introduce you all to Ms. Kaira Long." said Ms. Herr motioning to girl standing next to her, "Hey." said Kaira, "Alright, Ms. Long there is a seat next to Mr. Crane." said Ms. Herr,  "Alright class today turn to page 112 and complete assessment 2." and Ms. Herr sits her desk at the same time Kaira sits down "Hey, there stranger can you help me with my assignment." said Kaira "Hey," grumbles Farrôn "Grumpy are we?" Kaira asked "Only to everyone except adults" he replied "Well, that's no way to make friends, and if you have any, are you grumpy with them too or are you laid back?" asked Kaira "First off I don't want to make friends, second I don't have any friends nor do  want any friends so I wouldn't know if I would be grumpy to them," said Farrôn, "Anyhow aren't we supposed on be working on the assignment not talking about my personal life." "Yeah, but you sound like you would be a fun guy if you weren't  so grumpy all the time." She replied, they to talk one another in between their work although Kaira was doing most of talking but it was beneficial for Kaira because she found out they would be taking all the same classes. The bell rings and Ms. Herr dismisses her class and they head to their next class which is Calculus taught by Mr. Keys.

"This girl can't take a hint, I've been ignoring her for the entire time in AP English and I don't plan on talking to her like friends or even an acquaintance." thought Farrôn, "You know there is more than just me to talk to in class." He said "I wish you would talk to someone else even talking to Patricia is better than talking to me." He thought "No one seems as interesting as you at the moment, so no thanks you but thanks for the thought I will take you up on that offer at a later date." She replied "You know I think I know why you don't have any friends Farrôn." "Oh, really so have you concluded O' powerful one?" asked Farrôn in a sarcastic tone "Your Majesty well do, and I think it's because of your attitude and your feelings to other people." She responded, Farrôn stiffed "Hit it right on the nose, didn't I?" smirked Kaira "I have only one question, how?" He asked "Your tone of voice when you talk  to people not only just me but to everyone else you're around, actually I think it's kinda cold and sad in all honesty." Kaira said "Well no one asked you to use you detective skills to analyze me?" stated a cold Farrôn "Rude much Farrôn, you could show at least a little resistance in your hostility against other people or me I'm new here you're supposed to make me feel welcome." She snapped, "Well no one told you, you had to come to me for directions on your classes you have a lot of other people who would be happy to do it." He snapped back  "Alright Farrôn, we know you have sharp teeth but you don't have to bear them at someone who is completely new to the school." said a boy "You are glad to take this woman Derek and take her to her class if you want to, I would be a blessing to have her away from me for at least a little while." said Farrôn "Would love to, miss would you like me to take you to your class?" asked Derek "Sure, it would get me a chance to get away from tiger here." she snapped "Rawrrr!" yelled Farrôn and we leaves the two to go to Calculus. "He isn't all this bad, you must have interrupted his 10 minutes of peace?"Derek asked as they walked "He was just sitting in his car doing nothing but having his eyes closed." Kaira said "Yeah, it may seem that way to you, but that's how he prepares himself for the day ahead of him." responded Derek "Oh, really I will have to remember that next time." She said "So, what classroom will we bee headed to?" asked Derek "Calculus with the boy that just left me here with you." She said "Ohhh, you got Mr. Keys, good luck." replied Derek "Why? Is he a hard class or a hard teacher?" She asked curious "Both, it's mainly the class itself, it's just a pain in the butt too complete the homework assigned." replied Derek "Sounds like you have experience in this class Derek." She said "Yeah, had him last semester word of advice, don't fall behind in homework it will affect your grade significantly." He said "Thanks I will remember that too." She said as they arrive at the Calculus door "Thanks Derek." She says "Welcome." says Derek as he runs down the hallway to get to his class

"Hello Mister interesting." says Kaira as she sits next to Farrôn "Enjoy your encounter with Mister Cheerful?" He asks "Yes actually but he isn't as interesting as you Farrôn." She admits "You are a piece of work, you know that and plus you're annoying." replied Farrôn "Annoying haven't heard that before but I was told that I am beautiful and smart." said Kiara in a matter-of-fact voice "Please tell me that a girl told you that because I'm sure that guys find  you as annoying as I do." replied Farrôn "How would you know that other guys find me annoying?" snapped Kaira" "Well I sure as heck don't find charming or cute for any matter." snapped Farrôn "I don't care but you're interesting and rude." smirked Kiara "Ugh." groaned Farrôn as he grabs his book under his seat and covers his ears with it. "Mr. Crane unless you feel that this class is somehow hurtful to your ears, take that book off your head or you will spend your time after school today with me and that book of yours." said Mr. Keys sternly "Yes sir, won't happen again." apologized Farrôn "Better not Crane or you will regret that you did." warned Keys "Alright class today we will be learning on multi-step equations." "You are nothing but trouble for me right now, are you sure that you weren't sent to distract me from school or get on my nerves and aggravate me?" grumbled Farrôn "Neither but I do love to cause trouble and I find you interesting so course I'm gonna cause you trouble, it's to figure what you're like or to be more specific, what makes you tick?" said Kaira smiling "Just shut up and pay attention this class is hard enough with or without your presence here." snarled Farrôn, they go through Calculus with a few equation and some reading from their textbooks and they leave for their next class. They go class to class all day, including lunch when they have a conversation with Derek and Kaira found out that they all had the same class at the end of the day but other than that her and Farrôn haven't been talking, finally they are released from their forensic class and her and Farrôn head to their last class of the day which was gym.

"So Rôn, how good are you in gym class? Because by the looks of it you have physique of an athlete" said Kaira "First off don't call me that, second I don't participate in sports." responded Farrôn "You should, the basketball, football, or even the track team would be better with you on it and appreciate you from joining their team." said Kaira "No freaking way would I participate in any of those sports." Snapped Farrôn "Farrôn why not? You have the physical part down pack." asked Kaira "I hate male egos, their competitive boasts in sports and they fight people who are better than them. Girls make the matter worse because you all crowd guys with ability and looks also amongst all you girls love popularity the guy has it makes you feel like you're important." He replied, "Don't you think that your opinion is very biased, I know there are girls are like that, but not everyone. Some girls are actually  care genuinely for the people they fall in love with and even they stay together for a long time." defended Kaira "Alright, but all I've met so far are girls that are like what I described, and I've never let any other ones talk to me since I've talked to girls like that." He said "You are basing this off a couple of experiences you haven't given the other girls a chance to even change your opinion, most of all I don't think you want to meet any other girls because you know that maybe one girl could make you feel special or change your attitude on this issue." argued Kaira "Maybe you're right but I won't be meeting anyone like that anytime soon, so let's drop thus issue because I guarantee after today I won't be talking to you anymore." said Farrôn as they walked into their gymnasium. It was with a group of students, "Hey Farrôn and Kaira over here!" yelled Derek "So you two talk about handsome I am." "Nope but we were talking." said Kaira "Ah foo what's there to talk about but how good I look." said Derek with a smile but then a man started to walk to the group of students "Alright class look alive." said Coach Hughes, he was a bulk man in his early thirties, wearing a football cap saying, "Go Falcons!" and joggers. "Today we are going to be playing flag football, girls included which means no rough housing." The male students groaned but the coach continued, "It will be a 10 on 10 match. Now run because if I beat you onto the field I choose teams." Everyone runs with Derek, Farrôn, and Kaira in the front with the rest of the students followed by the coach running behind them. They ran out the door on the side of the gym and ran straight down the hill to the gate in front of field, first was Farrôn, then second Kaira, third Derek followed by the coach and the rest of the students. "You are kinda fast for a girl, what sport do you play?" said Derek "Track, basketball, and softball." said a confident Kaira "Hope you try out for the team and fast as always Farrôn though I wished you played sports." said Derek "Can it Scott, don't want to hear your words of fantasy right now." growled Farrôn "Alright guys break this up." said Coach "Fine." mumbled Farrôn "Sure thing coach." replied Derek "Now since Farrôn and Kaira were the first two to cross you, you're the captains you pick teams." smirked Coach "Sorry coach but I feel that Derek should choose instead of me." replied Kaira "You sure?" asked Coach, Kaira nodded, "Alright then Derek, you will take Kaira spot as the captain "Coach, you know I don't play sports and plus someone else would do better than me." argued Farrôn "I know that, but what I say goes Crane." snapped Coach "Son of a..." "What did you say Crane." snarled Coach "Nothing." grumbled Farrôn, Derek and Crane choose their teams and Kaira chooses to be on Farrôn's team instead of Derek's, "Sorry Derek I just want to see why Coach Hughes made him play." whispered Kaira "It's alright and you'll see why." promised Derek, the two make plays after play Kaira noticed that Farrôn was a great quarterback and had a very good sense whether to throw or run the ball, Derek was great too but liked to run a lot unlike Farrôn who favored throwing over running, in the end Farrôn's team won by a touchdown. The score was 24-18 and the class spent the rest of their time talking about the game or other things, "Why?

A/N: So first cliffhanger of the book, and a new character already introduced this story is may be very promising, tune on the next episode of SITY. Also what is the question asked, and how will the person be asked respond to their questioner love you guys and the Q/A book will be up questions can be asked on this story or the other ones (Halo: The Unwritten Story, Downtown Funtown, and Time we Lost) main characters and plot can also be asked 

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