2 Dates, 2 Outcomes

12 2 2

3 Hours Earlier

"Okay Kaira anything else you would like to get because I have something that I want to get you." "I do but I want to see what you're going to get me though." "Well okay I will lead the way then," Farrôn leads Kaira to a shop, "Really are you kidding me are we really at Build-A-Bear?" Farrôn smiles, "Yes we are and don't tell anyone this but I was planning on doing this for a while." "And may I ask who would it be for." "It would be for the beautiful girl that dragged me out of my house this weekend." "Aww see I told you, you wouldn't be able to resist the beauty I possess." "Alright now let's go make your bear and remember don't tell anyone. I didn't even do this for the Dragon when I dated her." "So I'm getting special treatment, I feel like a true queen now." "Alright Kaira don't let this go to your head now."

3 Hours Later

"That diner was amazing Derek, really loved they're desert it was awesome." "See I told you Jess, their food is restaurant quality." "I will have to come here again sometime, I really enjoyed myself." "Okay well we have some free time before I have to take you home so what do you want to do." "I want to ........ " Her phones buzzes "Who's that now Jess?" "I don't know," she reaches for her phone.

"Ready to see how I
get even little girl."

"Tricia where are you?"

"You should be more
worried about what
I'm going to do not
where I am."

"Patricia if you think
you're going to ruin
my date, you've got
another thing coming."

She looks to at Derek smiling, "It was a friend, she was just bugging me." "You sure Jess you looked a little worried for a moment." "Yeah but I would like to leave and go to skating rink." "Alright let's go," Derek looks curiously at Jessica as they walk to his car. "Hey Derek, and hey Jess funny meeting you guys here." "Yeah it's funny Tricia, what do you want?" "Oh I don't want anything for you Jess, I just want to talk to Derek." "I'll be fine Jess, Tricia won't pull any tricks I haven't seen before so wait in the car." "You sure Derek, I can stay with you while she talks." "Nah I'm good because it won't be long especially if it's something I don't like." "Okay," Derek unlocks his car and Jess gets inside and closes the door. "So what do you need to tell me Tricia?" "You probably are not going to believe me but this date was suppose to end at my house not wherever you guys are going." "What nonsense are you saying girl?" "I'm saying that after you and Jess ate you were supposed to come to my house." "And why is that?" "Because that's the plan that me and Jess made, but then she fell in love with you." "So you're telling me that you and Jess set me up." "Yeah that's what I'm telling you, she was going to tell you at her house when you dropped her off but I decided to crash the party." Derek clinches his fist, "Patricia if what you're saying is true then I need you to leave, and if it's not then I will have something to say to you next time we meet." "Oh poor Derek, you can decide whether or not what I said is true but remember I introduced her to you and I can make her disappear." "You wouldn't dare, I don't know if what you said is true but I wouldn't wish for Jess to disappear she's a nice girl." "Then you better make a good decision Derek and hope that it's the right one." Patricia walks away and Derek gets in his car, "Jess I have a question for you and I want the truth?" She looks down, "Patricia told you didn't she?" "I need to hear it from your mouth, did you and Tricia have a plan." Jess looks at Derek, "Yes in the beginning but as I started hanging around you and your friends more and more I decided that I wasn't going to go through with it." She grabs Derek's hand, "I promise you that I was never going to hurt you Derek and Tricia was never going to separate us if there is a us after this." He tightens his grip on Jess's hand, "I don't know if there can be a us, because if what Patricia said is true then I shouldn't talk to you anymore." He looks Jess in her eyes, "Those hazel eyes are what I fell for and now they're doing it now." "Derek she said that she can make me disappear right?" He nods,"But she can't do it right?" "Patricia is not who she once was, so she can because she probably is going to make up something that will be gossip worthy." "Well we'll know that it isn't true." "That's not the problem, the problem is that if what she says reaches my mom or the principal then my life is screwed." She starts to cry, "I never should have been friends with her after she changed." Derek hugs her tight, "Jess no matter what she does I will be on your side no matter what." "Derek I'm scared, I can stand up to Patricia on the phone, but face to face I'm a frozen statue." "Then take me with you when you to confront her, think of me as your own confidence booster." "Sure, Derek this may seem cliché but I love you." "I love you too Jess and I'll will help you even to the end of the Earth." He leans forward and kisses her and she kisses him back, "I finally got my long awaited kiss." She laughs, "I finally thought that you were kiss worthy." "I have a question for you Jess, is there any truth in a liar's eyes?" "Depends, on who the liar is."

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