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"Farrôn what's up with you, spooked about the thing I asked you about?" "Nope Kaira just wondering what Patricia might gain by having her friend ask out Derek." "Farrôn are you still on that? Look she probably likes Derek so stop being paranoid." "She looks like she does but I just don't trust Patricia the Monster and Perfume Killer." Kaira laughs, "First off very funny and I don't like Patricia either but let's just trust Derek no matter what happens okay?" "Yeah you're right Kaira I trust Derek, no witch will change my mind again." "Great now I have a question,promise you'll answer it please?" "I will answer your question Ms. Long." "Alright what do you think about traveling for 2 days." "Only if it's on the weekends or on a school break, why? Does have something to deal with the thing you asked me to do with you on your birthday?" "Maybe, maybe not you'll just have to find out later." "Or I could just keep bugging you until you finally tell me." "Nope Farrôn, not gonna crack that easy my friend." "Alright I guess I'll wait for you to tell me." "Thank you sir now can we leave for lunch please?" "Sure, what's for today anyway?" "TACOS!!!!!!" "Well someone's excited about their Mexican food." "Yes I am now let's go so we can meet up will Derek in the lunchroom." "Lead the way Miss's," and they head for the cafeteria, "Yo guys I hope you guys don't mind but Jess wanted to eat with us today." "No problem Derek, I always wanted to see what the fuss was about on this Jessica character now I can finally see her for myself." "Well I hear things about you too Kaira but I didn't think that what I heard would be true." "Oh really what did a beautiful girl like you hear about a fabulous girl like me?" "Nothing much, only that you looked good." "Now that you've seen me what's the your viewpoint on me now?" "My viewpoint on you now Kaira, is that you are something that someone might try to claim." "Someone try to claim Kaira might not want to try the because she is one that fights back at the first sighting or feeling that she be controlled." "You seem very confident in that statement Farrôn." "Because I know it to be true, no matter how someone looks at
Kaira if she doesn't like you from a certain standpoint you will not be able to get close to her." "Well Farrôn is right about everything he's said so I glad he has explained it to you for me." "I am so happy that I'm getting a chance to met both of you guys." "Why do you say that Jessica?" As Kaira furrowed her eyebrow "Well, this way I can make a good first impression I hope." "Well you've passed some standards so far and that's saying something considering I Mr. Crane have high standards, what about you Kaira?" "High standards, okay Mister but I think she passes for now too, although I've got my eye on you Jessica." "I'll keep that in mind Kaira." "Alright stop badgering the girl whom I wish the date and let's eat." "Yes because I love TACOS!!!!!!!!" "Seriously Kaira, quiet down people are looking at you like crazy." "Good I like the attention Farrôn, maybe you should try it." "No thanks, I'm more of the strong silent type." "Alright you two eat your tacos like good children now." "Who said that I was good Derek?" "I agree with Kaira D, I mean did you know of my reputation in Middle School. I was the lean, mean, fighting machine." "Yeah right Farrôn I bet the only thing you fought was a pillow," Farrôn smirks, "Har-Dee-Har-Har, very funny Mr. Comedian. You should get a your own movie." "Oh thank you, please calm down I don't want to spice you up." "Oh Derek dude don't try to sauce me." "Oh God please stop will the taco puns please and thank you." "Alright Kaira I don't want to crack your shell." "Oh gosh that was horrible Derek please don't do that on your date." "I won't unless she acts mild." " Beware Derek I heard it gets hotter than that." Jessica looks at Kaira, "Are they always like this or is this because I'm here right now?" "Sometimes then even then I'm not totally sure Jess, these boys are in a league of their own." "Calm down ladies tomato we'll be on a better roll." "Farrôn please just stop, you are so corny right now." "Okay Ms. Long but later crowds will behold my amazing puns." Jess leans closer to Kaira whispering, "Are you guys flirting with each other or is one flirting with the other." Kaira cheeks burn with embarrassment, "Maybe, maybe not. What would truly define the term flirting, is it a friendly joke or is it a compliment?" "You're dodging my question Kiara?" "To tell you the truth Jess I don't really know," she looks at Farrôn and sighs. They continue eating with a couple of puns and jokes. "Alright guys, I will see you guys later and by later I mean gym." "Duece D," Farrôn High-5's Derek, "See ya Derek."

Farrôn and Kaira enter their Forensic Science class taught by Ms. Bryne, "I got to get a another forensic book I'll be back." Farrôn walks toward the desk near Patricia, "I don't know what you have planned but leave Derek and your friend out of it." "I don't know what you're talking about Crane, and if I did she's my friend." "All the more reason to leave her be and let her enjoy the love she wants to experience. If you know what's good for her and your friendship leave Derek alone." "Farrôn I don't know what you think you know but I wouldn't come at someone with biased information." "I not coming at you, but I am warning you Rocks." Farrôn stares at Patricia hard, leaving Patricia smiling, " It's been a while since a guy made me smile, especially a ex." "Well this ex cares about his friends I hope you think the same Tricia." "Don't worry Farrôn I only think about the outcomes that benefit both me and those I involve." "Hmmm I'll believe that when you actually show it." "I have a question for you Farrôn, were you this nice when I met you?" " Yes I was, but then you turned me into something else." "And what is that Farrôn, I would care know." "I am the wrath of those who mess with my friends, especially my best friends." "You know I don't like that Kaira girl, she seems a bit too adventurous for me." Farrôn slams his hands on Patricia's desk, "You mess with her, Derek, or hurt that friend of yours, I'm going to come for you." He leaves to take his seat next to Kaira, "Where's the forensic book and what did you say to Patricia?" "Nothing really, I just needed to make a confrontation."

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