Lone Wolf Pt. 2

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People call me a lone wolf, someone who doesn't fit with the pack, a outsider that does things his own way, and a someone who is incapable of being sociable. Who do you truly call a lone wolf? Is it a man, a person, a animal, an individual who proves to be better alone than with someone who socials with the people of society or a someone who brings the atmosphere down when they enter in the environment bringing nothing but despair, loneliness, and discord. This is life of Farrôn Crane someone who carries the persona of a "Lone Wolf," a man of his own creation someone who developed into this persona through the experiences of a boy, a boy knows what people truly are.......which is....Untrustworthy.

"Habits of my heart I cantttttttttt sayyyyyyyyy no it's ripping me apart you get too close you make it hard to......" The song cuts off mid-lyric.....

"Ughhhhhh what time is it?" Farrôn glances at his phone, "crappy ringtone, I know chose it for that mess but ughhhh that thing is annoying I need to change that later."

He gets up n he gets dressed, the young man is 170 pounds, 6 ft, and a young scholar, you would think that he would play sports with his height n weight, but he doesn't do his high metabolism.

Farrôn gets up, continuing his morning routine, "Man I look kinda rough this morning man, I guess I would after this break. Well let's see if we can tame this mess of hair, and hopefully Ma has something downstairs that I can eat. "

He heads downstairs jumping 2, 3 steps at a time he chuckles, "Man that never gets old, it will always be fun to do that down these steps." He sighs, "Well I only have a little time to continue doing this mess, I just hope that I can actually have some good days like this on my own." He looks at the stairs again, "Maybe one more time for good luck today I guess." He smiles and races up the stairs one more time.

Farrôn enters the kitchen and smells breakfast, "Mhmmmmm that smells wonderful what's for breakfast?"(Farrôn was the only child of Susan Woods Crane and Johnathan Crane, he was glad he was the only child, he didn't think he could take another sibling's antics.) He kisses his Ma on the cheek, placing his bag near a chair and she passes him a plate, "Well baby today is waffles, turkey bacon, eggs, and some toast." She throws him a smile, his Pops looks at him, "How are you feeling son?" Farrôn looks at his Pops, "I'm feeling lucky today Pops, I really am. I feel like this next semester is gonna be a breeze." His Pops smiles at him, "Looks like you got a good mindset for this semester son, I can't wait to see what you plan to do and your grades." His Ma looks at him, "Farrôn don't you think that you should be heading to the school son, don't you wanna get there early?" Farrôn chuckles, "Yeah Ma, I mean yes ma'am I know I should be going." He grabs his bag, waves at his parents and departs.

He gets in his Nissan Ultima 2016, connects his phone and plays the following song......

"I am here................... My Buffalo............."

After a while he pulls up to his High School, Garsen High School. Garsen Highschool is a public school but it looks like one big private school, it has 4 fields for softball, baseball, football, and soccer, 2 courts both located at the ends of the high school for basketball, a large gymnasium, 36 classes each able to hold 25 to 30 students. This was a big school, Farrôn turns into the parking lot and grabs a parking lot a far distance away from the entrance. He turns off the engine and takes a moment to himself, his 10 minutes of peace thinking to himself.

Knock Knock Knock
Farrôn sighs and opens his eyes, "Man who is this and why do they have to bother me." He turns his phone on 7:25 am, "Why couldn't they wait 5 more minutes." He opens his door and steps out, "Yes, what can I help you with?" His face slightly agitated, but not noticeable he sees a unrecognizable girl. The girl speaks, "Yes ummm my name is Kaira Long and I'm new here I drove here by myself, andddddd I was wondering if you can help me get to class." "Man I know this girl could have went inside and asked a administrator to ask a senior, or someone else who care to do this for a tour of the school." Farrôn thinks, he clears his throat, "Ahem well my name is Farrôn Crane I'm a Junior here. Why didn't you go inside and ask if someone could have helped you in the building?" She smiles, "Well Farrôn was it? The reason I didn't go inside like you did I happened to park away from the school, because I was nervous unfortunately. Then I as I got out my car and was heading to do as you suggested, I saw you thinking maybe this guy knows where he's going." Farrôn laughs, "I'm amused at the way you thought I knew where I was going. What would have happened if I was new Ms. Long?" She grins, "Wellllllll if you were new I was so screwed, because like I said I'm new so I was scared to go and requesting a total stranger for directions. By the way my name is Kaira not Ms. Long I'm a student just like you." Farrôn throws her a glance, "Ummm well Kaira you're asking a stranger now, plus you kinda lucky I'm in a good mood I'll show you, but I don't usually do this for anyone." She smiles, "OH REALLY???!!!! Okay let's go Farrôn." She grabs his hand "LORD what have I gotten myself into?"

They reach the entrance to Garsen High, "Well Kaira I'm not gonna do a tour you can ask for that from someone else in the school or from a Administrator okay?" She nods her head, "Well can you show where this class is with Ms. Herr?" She shows Farrôn her schedule, "Ohhh you have AP English, that's where I'm headed and unfortunately you have majority with classes with me." He sighs, she looks at him confused, "Why are you sighing is that bad?" He fakes a smile, "Nah it's not bad..... at least you'll have someone to show you around that's in your 1st class." He looks at at the ceiling, "Of all the people in this darn building couldn't find someone else to stop today? Not only is she new, she's in majority of my classes, and she interrupted my 10 minutes of peace." She stares at him, "Hey Farrôn, can I ask you a question as we head to class?"Farrôn looks at Kaira, "Yeah no let's not Kaira, not tryna be mean to you, but I'm not the sociable, or the talkative type." She pouts, "Come onnnnn, I just wanna ask you one question, and then we can be quiet the rest of the way." He looks up, mumbles something under his breath, then turns to her, "Sure............" She claps her hands together, "Yes, okay why aren't you sociable, I meannn you're a Junior like me and you're in the stage where we grow as individuals aka people. So this is the time where you venture out and you find yourself." She throws him a huge smile, he looks at her sighing, "It's not like we're gonna be friends Kaira, but I just don't get along with others like that honestly. If I did I guarantee you would see people here around me." Kaira steps in front of him and stops, "Why not there's nothing wrong with you as far as I can see, I mean other than being a slight bit blunt, well rude you're a okay guy to me."Farrôn steps close to her, "There's more that meets the eye to me than you now."

They continue walking in silence, and they head to AP English. Farrôn stops in front of a door, "Alright Ms. Long that was a nice walk, but now it's time to meet the class. Some advice tips, DON'T make fun of Ms. Herr's name, pay attention in class, avoid the dragon, and if something happens I'm not here." He throws her a smile and enters the class, "I wonder what happened to him, I guess it's time to dig deep." She smiles and she enters the class.

Farrôn takes his seat in the classroom and Kaira stays in the front to talk with the teacher Ms. Herr, "I guess she's gonna get introduced, maybe she'll get some attention away from me." One girl walks in, and immediately she spotsFarrôn sitting down at his seat. She walks up to him, "How are you Farrôn love? Did you miss me?"Farrôn smirks, "Yes fellow dragon I missed you, you and that strong perfume that follows you." She frowns, "For you information I am not a dragon, my name is Patricia Rocks and you know this." He waves her off, "Yea yea, the wonderful fabulous Ms. Rocks with her style and her fashion sense. She's a 10/10 IGN beauty queen, but shall thee get a air duct to sweep thy perfume off of thy body? For thy smell makes thee sick." Patricia's face turns red, "LOOK HER YOU MONGREL JUST BECAUSE WE..." Ms. Herr interrupts her, "So Ms. Rocks do you have a story to share with the class? Maybe what you and Mr. Crane are talking about is so intriguing, that it will cause us all to yell as you are now." She looks down embarrassed and the class laughs at her, Farrôn snickers as she sits down. "Well I guess I tamed that dragon."

A/N It's Revampedddddddddddddddddddddd What do y'all think is it worth the wait? Was it better than before, Is it great? Does it need Work? This is just one Chapter of the many chapters to come. 😎😎😎

@Wonderlust_Charlz pssssttttt look what's back

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