The Plotting

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"Remember Jess, you need to make sure you don't mess up the first date or my plan won't work, okay?" "Tricia I got this okay just leave Derek to me." "You sure Farrôn doesn't know about this right?" "He may suspect something but as of now he has no proof, so be certain that this date works out." "You just don't know Tricia but I actually like Derek so you might not get the chance to take him from me," Jessica thinks to herself

Derek and Farrôn meet after-school in the gym, "Dude are you serious about going with Jessica?" "Yeah, man I mean Farrôn what is wrong with it." "Nothing, it just feels like you are being used bro." "Well Farrôn, I don't feel that way." "Alright man, just looking out for you." "Yeah, I appreciate it," Jessica walks into the gym, "Ready to go Derek?" "Yeah sure, Farrôn catch you later man?" "Yeah sure," and Derek leaves with Jessica. "So Jess what's with the sudden need to talk to me, our date isn't until a couple days from now. I'm not going to cancel on you if that's the case." "No I just wanted to have a chance to actually talk to you, before we go on a date." "So this is a chance to get to no me right." "Yes Derek this is a chance for me to get to know you." "Well what do you want to know Jessica?" "Just Jess is fine Derek, and I just want to know your relationship with Farrôn." "Farrôn, that's my best friend, in other words he's my other brother." "Well would you ever hurt him?" "I did once but I won't again." "Hope you don't Derek, I hope you don't." Jessica phone beeps,"Ugh who is this?" "Just look at the message could be important." Jessica looks at the message, "You'll have to excuse me I mean to take care of something." "Alright but first can I have your number." "You're pretty straightforward huh handsome guy." "Only when I need to be." "Alright but only because you asked so nicely and you're cute I'll give it to you." "Seriously?" "Yep it's XXX-XXX-XXXX." "Thanks I got in saved in my phone." "Alright I got to go, catch you later." "Sure." Jessica winks at Derek as she leaves, "This girl actually has me hooked into her." Derek whispers

Derek texts Farrôn


"What's up man how did it

"Great I go her number."

"You go boy, but remember
what I told you."

"Which is what Farrôn?"

"To be careful around Jessica."

"Because she hangs around Tricia."

"Nope, it's not that she hangs around
her that worries me. It's Tricia herself that
worries me, Jessica seems alright to me."

"Farrôn why do you think that?"

"Cause I don't trust her at all man."

"Is that why Farrôn, just because
you simply don't trust her."

"Nope when we were together
she was also scheming against other
girls at our school."

"That's something serious, I hope
she's not scheming against me."

"If she is she'll regret that she ever
did, if I catch her."

"Calm down Farrôn, I need you with
a cool head."

"Alright I am calm."

"Bruh what should I wear Saturday?"

"Not helping you."


"Because I don't do fashion."

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