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I return the the library on Monday having a test on Tuesday so I need to study again. When I walk in its nearly empty and super quiet. I take my usual seat. I pick at my jeans a little needing to get new ones. Maybe I can go shopping tomorrow. I was wearing some down time clothes, jeans and a cardigan.

"Excuse me." I remember that voice it's him. His tall figure stood in front of my table. He had dirty blonde hair and was very muscular. He pull out a chair and sit down.

"You can't sit there." I tell him. Not only because I was studying but because I couldn't afford to be seen with a guy like him.

"Where does it say it can't?" He starts to pick on me.

I put my head down reading my books trying to ignore him. He tapped a pen on the table and it bugged me. "Would you please stop." I say nicely.

"Oh yeah. This is yours that's why I came  back." He flashes me the smirk that immediately is burned into my mind. "What's you're problem with me anyways?"

"Umm." I wave my hand in front of my books. "I'm studying."

"No that's not it. What are you doing Friday?"

"Coming here." I give him like a duh look because if I wasn't  here I was at home with my parents and Drew acting nice and happy. "I have a boyfriend you know."

"Of course I know, Andrew right? Your Tessa. How would I not know about you? You're like the snottiest, most stuck up, and prude girl ever." His words cut right through me and they hurt. "I'll pick you up here Friday." He gets up and walks away from my table. I wasn't coming Friday.

When I get home I call Drew to see if we can do something but he already has plans. I never really had a lot of friends in high school. I cleaned my makeup off and changed into my pajamas. I put my books back onto the neatly organized shelf and laid down for the night. I was too tired and my head was spinning with his words.

When I get up the next morning Lydia our house keeper has breakfast waiting for me already. She brought up a tray with oatmeal, fruit, orange juice and milk. I take my time eating breakfast not ready for school today. I just wanna stay home and relax but I can't unfortunately unless I get a fever within an hour.

After breakfast I shower and get ready for the day. Today I pick out a sun dress with a sweater and slip ons. My parents are already gone by the time I get downstairs. I leave after saying bye to Lydia.

My classes seem to just drag out. I'm so tired and ready to go home.

"Hello?" I answer Drew calls me.

"Hey Tessa. Want to meet at target?" He asks sounding nervous as always when we talked on the phone.

"Sure. See you in ten." I hang up.

I drive to target and see Drew's care in the lot, silver BMW it was his favorite kind of car also my dad's. I sigh and unbuckle grabbing my purse and getting out. Drew is wait inside the store but the entrance for me.

"You look nice today." He says and gives me a side hug.

"Thanks. How was your day?" I start the conversation as we start walking up and down isles. "Sorry what?" I ask getting sidetracked when I see him. Chase. I grab Drew's hands holding it.

"I just asked how was your test?" He doesn't even notice my distraction.

"Good. Yeah I think I did good." Chase winks at me from afar.

"As always honey." He chuckles and keeps getting what he needs.

I break eye contact with Chase then he disappears. "What are you doing tonight?" I ask Drew.

"Nothing just some studying probably. Why?" We walk to the register.

"Let's hang out." I say and look back as a cart lightly taps my butt. I roll my eyes and look forward.

"Sure. Barnes and Noble?" He asks and places the bags in his cart.

"No, something else." I almost beg.

"Dinner? Umm. Watch movies?"

"Let's watch movies." I say.

"Ok. Meet me at my house." Drew says and gets in his car.

I walk to mine, I get in and send my mother a text before I start my car. I get scared when someone taps on my window. I roll my window down.

"Is it ok my parents won't be home?" Drew asks

"Yeah. That's fine." I smile and we both head to his house.

Drew makes popcorn and I wait on the couch.

Don't forget Friday

I read a text from a number I don't recognize. I wonder how he got my freaken  number.  I throw my phone back in my purse when Drew comes in the room.

"Ok. Made the popcorn. I've been wanting to watch this documentary about the planets, it's new and talks about Pluto and how it isn't a planet." He sits on the couch but the other end.

"Sounds cool." I act excited and it starts.

I eat most of the popcorn coming over here didn't help my thoughts from thinking about other things. I scoot close to Drew and place my hand on his thigh. He looks down and politely moves it. I sigh and he keeps watching the movie.

"Goodnight Tessa." Drew walks me to my car and give me a little peck on the cheek.

"Night. " I get in and drive away from his house that was slightly bigger than mine.

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