Choosing Fate .:23:.

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It was silent at first aside from the constant bombing that blew down the protective walls of Akorin.

But how could this be? Akorin was charmed with magic; silly human weapons wouldn’t do. It would only bounce off like mere flies.

A single feminine scream pierced the air as she shrieked words at the top of her lungs. “It’s an ambush!” she screamed. “The time has come! The date has been changed again!”

Emerie blanched and soon war cries were sent out. All those who couldn’t fight were sent inside, underground into the tunnels. All those who could fight were preparing themselves.

Air Elementals lined up the buildings of the Academy and the courtyard had cleared out to a mere hundreds, maybe a thousand members of the Akorin Kingdom. The time had come.

Emerie’s mind reeled and raced at those words, repeating them over and over again as pure, sheer shock rocketed through her body, rooting her to the spot.

“EMERIA! EMERIA!!” Elder Carvill continued to screech her name, shouting that the date had changed.

No . . ., Emerie thought desperately. Please! I need longer! I –


The time had come. There was no denying it. Emerie had to be prepared despite all the surprise she felt, she braced herself.

“Get into positions!” Emerie hollered loudly, almost screaming People listened to her. She was in charge this time. She knew what to do.

This was her fate.

Emerie wiped away a few tears of desperation and soon was shocked to find her grandmother in the midst of it all, armed with bows and arrows and swords.

Swords couldn’t – ahh yes they were charmed! All the Elders had formed a circle and were chanting spells, using words that sounded beautiful and melodic yet horrifying and mystical at the same time.

“Emerie!” Libby shook her friend violently.

“Libby I’m fine,” Emerie snapped. “You stay safe. Everybody has to stay safe. I’m not letting anybody die! Libby I –”

Screaming pierced the air as a shower of bullets rained down on them. A massive protection barrier rippled from the joined hands of the powerful Elders, deflecting the bullets but it took a hard blow. They were indeed charmed.

“They’re charmed! They’re charmed! Beware!” Elder Carvill screeched. “Protect the kingdom! Protect our sacred lives!”

Emerie leapt into the air, joining the Air Elementals who were waving their arms about, pushing away any other attacks.

Battle cries of voices that weren’t magical erupted from nowhere. Millions and millions of figures in uniform with weapons were attacking.

Pained shrieks filled the air and once again, Emerie was shocked. Multiple bullets were fired from continuous guns and immediately a quarter of the Air Elementals had gone down.

“NO!” Emerie screamed, launching into the air. Power radiated through her body as she lifted her hands.

Vines and roots grew at a rapid pace, wrapping around the army men and women and as soon as Emerie’s hands were clenched, they fell unconscious from the thorns that dug into their skin. She tossed the limp bodies as far as she could, letting out a war cry. Her chest convulsed with the ache and pain that she had felt so often about her major and final choice.

The time had come.

But when? How? How would she know when it is the right time to choose?!

Earth Elementals added to her power, increasing the strength as they warded off thousands of soldiers. All innocent human soldiers under the rule of one savage human.

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