Sailin' on by The Zombies

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                                                                  Sailin' on by

I am just a typical sailor who gets up in the morning with a strong cup of joe and then sips it while anxiously looking out the window at my skiff hopping over the small waves. It gets to me sometimes when I think about the time my father taught me to sail my old nutshell pram when I was only 5. Now I ride and don't even take a glance at the treacherous breakers.

So, here I am on my skiff after I'm done thinkin' about being out there. "I am out here now!" I'd say to myself every day then I'd just think that I'm getting old and that's all I can do till I get a parrot or a dog and teach them to love the sea like I do. The parrot would learn quick, but as for the dog, I don't know. I continue on sailing and I look on the shore and wave to my neighbors. They lived a little farther down the coast and were an odd but cheerful little family. Lilian, the wife of the family, waved and I saw someone come up behind her with a dull look on their face.

I haven't seen that person at their house before. I slowed the skiff to a stop and asked who that 'shadowy figure' behind her was. She just looked at me with a weird look on her face and said, " What do you mean? No one is home today, remember! Are you seeing things?" The person grabbed her and pulled her down behind the railing to where I could no longer see her. Then I saw blood pour off the deck. My heart skipped about 5 beats. I jumped out of the boat with a rope and used a half-hitch to attach it to a palm tree on the shore. I ran up to her house and her door was unlocked. I opened it and saw, through the patio door, something horrible.

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