Surviving as a Sailor

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Getting Familiar With The Undead World

Well then, the month has passed with no surprises and I expected more drama. The only thing that happened is we found a stray German Shepard and I took him in as my own. "You should make as a good fleshy guard-dog." I said to him when I found him. By fleshy I meant zombie and that's what us sailors called those nasty things.

We were now out of food because our time had run out. "Now we must fish for our tasty critters!" Tom said excitedly as he wanted to start trapping and fishing. In order to make the zombies less noticeable on the shore, and the catching more fun, we had a race. The rules were : catch the most fish and crabs using the given equipment. David started the stopwatch when we got in our boats. We pushed out of the shipyard and raised our masts. I got my sail on the mast first and got out farther in the water faster than anyone else. I threw out some crab traps and set up 4 poles, all on different sides of the boat. After a while I pulled up one of my traps and got 2 crabs. The second trap was empty. My pole started to budge and I grabbed hold of it and started reeling my catch in. I pulled up what seemed to be a human finger. I squealed like a pig and dropped my pole on the deck of my boat. Then I looked straight down into the water and saw a person walking along the bottom, then he saw me and started reaching up and scratching the bottom of my keel.

"Guys! Come here won't ya!" I yelled. Tom and David sailed over to me and asked what my problem was. I showed them the finger then told them to look down. They saw the man at the bottom. "So what now? Are you telling me that fleshys can walk under water like Aquaman?" Tom said frightened and angry. 'Apparently so." I said. "Can we still eat what we catch?" They both asked. I said yes but the only thing is it must be cooked all the way through at very high temperatures. No medium-rare. That was every-ones favorite way to eat all meats. "Fine." They said disappointedly. We started heading back to 'base-camp'.

Sailin' on by The ZombiesWhere stories live. Discover now