The Reveal

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The Reveal

There Lilian was. She was laying on the ground with a puddle of blood around her and her flesh spread out in various places. The man sniffed the air, then got up and turned to me slowly, almost like he expected me to be there. His pupils were now a vivid blue with random imprints of brown, and trails of green. It was not one of the usual eye colors I can tell you that. The 'man' went by the name Joseph and he was a kind hearted man at the age of 35. He was actually a sailor/fisherman like me. "Joseph? What are you doing?" I mumbled under my breath. He started to walk towards me, Lilian's cold flesh still dangling out of his mouth. He came towards me, now increasing his pace and snarling like a wild dog. I ran and closed the door behind me. All I could do now was get to my skiff and head away from land. I saw 'what used to be Joseph' gazing at me from the shore. He apparently got through the shut door even though he seemed to have lost his eye-hand coordination. "God dammit! What is going on?!" I screamed. "I must get back home and listen to the radio for any signs!"

I raced back home and tied my skiff to the dock. Running inside, I sat down and turned on the radio. The news seemed to be playing on every station. The broadcast said the following: "There has been a major influenza outbreak in a New York CDC. We have found out it is the Solanum virus that has seemed to craze people for all known flesh on either animal or human. This virus and its host will spread across the nation to California in one year if not stopped. The only suggestion is to stay in your homes with all your lights off and see how much food, water, and ammunition you have. If you have no ammunition get some now. All laws will still abide in this time however, the only law that can be toiled with is the law of murder. Do not murder the living, but you may murder the 'dead'. Try not to get bitten or scratched and try your best to survive." The radio fuzzed up as the station was shut down. I had a feeling this meant zombies, and not voodoo zombies. I thought to myself, " Time to gather some harpoons and guns!"

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