Landing in Virginia

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Richmond, Virginia

We left from Selby Bay and landed in Hopewell, Virginia. When we arrived we tied our boats to the dock and went on foot to find survivers. We found some that had turned their houses into a fortress. We saw a man and women with their daughter looking out the window at us. They looked frightened.

We walked closer to the house and they opened their glass sliding door that had been barricaded from the inside with wooden planks. The little girl was hugging her mothers leg tightly. "Who are you and where did you come from?" The man asked in a deep voice. "We are sailors and we came from Selby, Maryland." I replied. The man gave a surprised chuckle and smiled. "You were that close to New York? Did Maryland get overrun?" he asked. Then we went on to tell him about our fleshy encounters. The first time he heard us say fleshy he said, "Fleshy huh? So is that what you call 'em because all we call them is zombies." We replied, " Yes, that is what us sailors call 'em?"

"So, do you want to stay here in Virginia or are you sailing out again to get farther down the coast?" the man said. "All we're going to do is gather some food and such and then were heading down." I said while thinking about how this will all end and how my decisions will affect the group. We got our supplies and started heading farther down the coast.

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