Chapter 25 :

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As soon as i got home there was a knock on my door.
In case you didnt know, Taylor transferred to another school so i dont have a roommate anymore.
I opened the door and it was Zach. He walked in.

He walked straight to my bed and sat down.

"Talk to me" He said making space for me to sit next to him.

"I dont know if i should tell you this but alright. So i went to Geoffrey's dorm and he asked me to be his girlfriend right? I told him i had to think about it and he got mad, so i left" I thought the story would be longer. Hm guess not.

"Is that it?"

"I called him a bit**" His eyes widened and he looked like he wanted to laugh.

"Whoa. Um.. i dont know what to tell you. I dont think Geoffrey meant it in a bad way, he really likes you"

"If he really liked me then he wouldve understood and he didnt" I stood up and grabbed a water bottle.

"If i tell you something do you promise not to get mad?" Zach looked serious. Like if whatever he was going to tell me was actually important which i doubt.

"Depends what it is. I cant promise" I answered back.

"Then i guess i cant tell you"

"Ugh i promise"

"Okay. Um.. so i really like you Geoffrey and me talked about this and we decided that the best was if you picked one of us-.."

"What!?" I spit out my water.

"I know it sounds b-"

"Duh! It sounds horrible. It sounds like im a dog trying to pick an owner!" I was yelling this time.

"Im sorry. But we dont want to fight over a girl. We're friends-.."

Someone knocked on the door.
I went to open it and it was Geoffrey.

"Sammie i am sooo sorr-.." I opened the door wider so he could come in.

"Come in Geoffrey. We have to talk"

He walked in and stared at Zach.

"So what exactly were you guys trying to accomplish with your little doggy game? Huh?"

"What are you talking about?" Asked Geoffrey apparently confused.

"Im talking about you and Zach wanting to see who i like better so you guys can date me! Was this supposed to be some kind of a prank? Or was it a dare?!" I could feel my face burning red with anger.

"It wasnt a game. We just-.." I cut Zach off.

"Just shut up. I thought i could actually be friends with you guys! And i cant...-" I started crying a bit.
Geoffrey and Zach tried to get closer to me and i pushed them out the door.

I know this is super short! Ill update another chapter tomorrow :)


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