Fucking Simms

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Andy's POV

We just got home from talking to Ronnie about the surprise party for Kimmie.

"Hey where-" I stop when I see a familiar face.

"Juliet?" Jake says walking in behind me followed by all the boys.

"What are you doing here?" CC mumbles while he's eating a cookie.

"My car broke down," Juliet whines.

"You all know each other?" Kimberly asks looking at me. I don't know what to say. Kimberly is happy and I don't want to ruin that by telling her my crazy ass girlfriend is here.

"She's just a fan that came to a lot of our shows." I said and turned around and went to the kitchen.

"I need more cookies..." CC said and followed me along with Ashely to the kitchen.

"Fucking Simms," I said with furrowed eye brows.

"She didn't just 'break down'" CC says eating a banana instead of a cookie. Huh, no cookies?

"No shit CC." Ashely says rolling his eyes.

"Wow, your eating a banana instead of a cookie." Juliet says walking in.

"I'm out of cookies," CC says and takes a bite of his banana and flips his hair.

"Aw, that's to bad. You know...I got some cookies in my car." Juliet says walking in closer.

"Cookies..." CC says. Of course she's gonna trick CC first. The most gullible one of us all.

"Mhm, I got your favorite."

"Why did you break up with her again?" CC says with widen eyes and follows Juliet.

"Like a fucking five year old." I said and shook my head.

"Who's like a five year old?" Kimberly says walking in with Craig.

"No one...we have a show tomorrow and I was wondering if you wanted to sing some songs with us?" I ask Kimberly.

"Okay! Ooo, I gotta buy something to wear!" She said as Juliet and CC walks in holding some cookies.

"I'll help!" Juliet says and smiles.

"No," I said without hesitation.

"Baby?" Kimberly says confused.

"Andy?" Juliet says with that fake pout she usually does.

"I- I wanted to spend time with you kimmie, that's all." I said and she comes and gives me a hug.

"We can but let me and Juliet go and buy some new clothes for the show tomorrow. Hey, are you two coming?" She asks and looks at Juliet and Craig.

"Yea, we wouldn't miss it for a thing." Juliet says and smiles. Two hours later Juliet and Kimberly leave and Craig leaves too later on not sure where.

Juliet's POV

As Kimberly is trying on clothes in the dressing room I pull my phone out and text Craig.

Me- hey, feel like going to the store?

Craig- I guess. Why?

Me- I need some inching powder (;

"Does this look alright?" Kimberly says walking out and I put my phone away and answer her.

"Yea, you look better in skinny jeans than I do." I said

"You wear skinny jeans?" She looks at my black short dress up and down.

"Sometimes, I guess I'm just a fan of dresses." I said

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