He'll Steal Your Cookies!

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I just got done singing and glance at the crowd one more time before leaving.

"Thank you, guys!" I said and walked off stage. Bumping into a tall guy with tattoos, black long hair, and a lip piercing. "Sorry babe," he said looking down since I'm 5'3 and he's pretty tall.

"It's fine" I say carelessly and walk off but am stopped by his deep voice.
"You were really good." He said playing with his lip ring with his tongue. Mm, his voice.

"You're from that band, right?" I ask trying not too look at him. "Black veil brides" he said confidently.
"Have you ever listened to us?" He asked me still playing with his lip ring. "No, but I've heard about you." I said in a 'I don't like you' tone.
"I take it you don't like me." He said walking closer to me.
"Nope." I said popping the p and turning around to the exist sign leaving.

"Why?" He said jogging toward me as I opened my door.
"I got to g-"

"Why don't you like me?" He said closing my door and leaning on it so I wouldn't get in. "I read-"
"You read." He said getting upset. "I read stuff on the internet and magi-"
"And you believe everything you see?"
"Will you stop cutting me off?" I said trying to push him away from the door so I could get in.

"If you give me a chance. Just listen to me and the bands music." He said closing my door again.

"Andy!" A guy said along with some others. "Ashley!" He screams back

"We have to perform in 45 minutes." Ashley said then looked up and down at me.  "That's...um" andy trailed off looking at me."You don't even know her name?" One of the other band members said. "My name is Kimberly." I said and got in my car.

"Kimberly, pretty." Andy said and smiled. But his deeeep voice. Mmm.
"Thanks" I said rolling my eyes and put my key into the ignition but my car wouldn't start. Great.
"Won't start?" Ashley said and I nodded in response and hit my head on the steering wheel and groaned.

"Can you call someone?" Andy asked me."Phones dead and my charger is at home. Do you have an iPhone charger?" I ask looking at the boys and bat my eyes. "No, but you have cookies!" One if the boys screamed.
"That's Cc, he's kinda in love with your cookies as you can see." Jake said and we all looked at him staring into my back window. "My cookies!" I joked and he straight up went to my backseat and grabbed them.

"My cookies!" I said again and got out and chased him down but it was too late. "My cookies..." I said pretending to pout. "Yea..." Andy said again with that deep voice.

"He'll still your cookies." Andy finishs and Cc slowly came back over.

"...those were my favorite cookies!" I said walking towards him and he hides behind Jinxx."Calm down babe." Andy said. Babe. He called me babe.

"So what are you going to do about the whole car problem?" Jake asked me and I bit my lip.

"I- I don't know." As I said that Ashley's face lit up. Oh god.

"Why don't you sleep with me?!" He just blurted out and we all looked at him like we was crazy.

"Uh..." I start backing up. "No, not like that." He chuckled but I keep backing up and bump into Andy.

"Second time bumping into me." He smiled and lifted his eye brow up. "Anyway...I mean't, why don't you sleep with all of us?" Ashley said and then he made a confused face.

"That wasn't any better, man." Jinxx said and we all laughed."I gotcha" I shook my head and laughed.

"So it's settled? You're sleeping with all of us!" Cc said coming from behind Jinxx. "Only if you word it better." I smile and the others laugh.

"Okay so let's show you to our tour bus." Andy said and we all followed him. "Um, Andy we have to perform in 10 minutes." Jake said and Andy walked over to me. "Okay, you can come if you want but you're not really dressed up for the type of music." He said and I looked at my plain light purple shirt and my light jeans. Mom.

I love my mom, I do! But when it comes to this stuff..she doesn't get it. That's why I sing soft pop, I'm not really a fan of this stuff. I don't know what I like I just know this isn't me. I have a sister and she's like this, she likes this but I don't. My mom wants me to be like her and my sister but I'm not into this, I don't  want to be a cheerleader and sing soft pop, I want something else...I just don't know what. But I do this all for my mom.

"Here, wear this." Andy said and handed me a Motley Crüe tank top and some ripped skinny jeans.
"Oh thanks.." I said and they rushed out leaving me to change. I put it on and smile, now this, I like. But who is Mötley Crüe? I think I was listening to a song by them actually but my mom wanted me to listen to Demi lovato. I'm not a hater or anything but her music isn't really my cup of tea. I'm so weird.

"And now Black Veil Brides!" I walk in and hear them start to play.

"Okay guys, let's take it back and play Perfect Weapon." Andy says and then struts to scream. That scream... Why do I like this? Mom won't like this. I love mom, and it's just me and my sister and I want them to always be proud of me. But this music.. It's...amazing.

"Let's finish this off with one last song, Rebel Love song!" Andy said with that deep voice.

Oh my god, kimberly. Remember that stuff you read! He's a bad guy! But honestly the stuff I read doesn't make since now that I've talked to Andy.

"Thanks guys, see you next time! We love you!"

I love you too...STOP IT KIMBERLY.

"Hey, you look great." Andy said smiling. "Well you did pick my clothes so you know.." I smile back and the boys look at us.

"Look Andy has a new girlfriend." Ashely chuckled. "Shut up." Andy said turning away. "Oo, he's blushing." Cc said eating another cookie. Where the hell did he get another cookie?

"I-I'm not." He looked at me but I turned away. "Now look who's blushing!" Jake pointed at me and everyone looked at me.

"I'm...uh, where'd you get that cookie?" I said changing the subject.
"Oh I always have back-up." He laughs.

"No let's watch batman!" Andy yelled.

Okay everyone is fighting over what to watch.

"Ugh, okay let's ask Kimmie!" Ashley said and looked at me. Kimmie.

"Me?" I said sipping my Redbull.

"Yes! Now I want to watch Mean Girls, Ashely wants to watch insidious 3, and Cc just wants cookies..Andy wants to watch batman." Jake said.

"Okay we are NOT watching Mean Girls." I said and the others laughed.

"Wha? Why?" He pouted.

"I want to watch batman." I smiled and Andy jumped over Jake and put the movie in. "In your face, jake!" Andy chuckled. "Of course your little girlfriend would choose batman for you." Jake whined and folded his arms across his chest like a 5 year old.

"Hey, I just said yes because I'm a huge joker fan." I said and threw a pillow at him while sticking my tounge out.

Hi! What did you guys think? Should I make more?? It would have been more but I've been working on my other story Just One Cut ❤️

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