chapter one: [literal new girl]

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"Only when we lose ourselves, have we truly lost everything."

Indigo's POV

    My eyes flutter open as I wake up, squinting as I try to see what's around me. It's too dark to tell, but I think I see trees. Although, why would I be waking up outside?

   I sit up, realizing I was sitting up from asphalt. I look down and recognize the double yellow lines that ran under me. Why am I waking up in the middle of the road?

   My body is extremely exhausted, making it a chore to even keep myself sitting up. I groan as I try to move out of the road, my legs feeling like weights. Using my hands, I try to crawl off but nothing seems to be helping. I'm not rushed about it, until I spot headlights in my peripheral vision.

      Oh, shit.

  Now, I'm frantically pulling my body out of the road, grunting each time my hands slam down to continue pushing. But the lights get closer, lighting the way for, what I notice to be, a red S.U.V.

    I shut my eyes closed, bracing myself for impact. This was it. This is how I go. Immobile in the middle of the road, hit by a family car.

   "Hey!" I heard a shout, before a body slammed into mine. We rolled off the road, barely missing the car as it sped past our previous spot. I groaned as the body on top of me rolled off, sitting up on their own.

   "What- the hell- were you doing in the middle of the road?" I heard a guy's voice, his heavy breathing very evident.

    I looked back to where I woke up, shaking my head with my eyes wide.

"I-I don't know..." I breathed out, sighing as I shut my eyes.

   "You don't know?" He exclaimed, standing up as he held his side, almost squeezing his eyes shut in pain.

"No, I just- woke up." I shrugged, beginning to become annoyed with my own answers. I don't know. What did I know? It seemed the more I racked my brain for thoughts, memories- nothing was coming up. Why couldn't I remember?

   "Well-" The boy sighed, throwing his arms in the air. "What do you know?"

   As I thought, I looked down at my thumbs, spinning them around each other. I felt my eyebrows cinch as I became frustrated, coming up with nothing. There has to be something. A place, a memory, a name-

    And like a light bulb, a name was all I could think about. My name? It felt so familiar it had to be. For the time being, it would have to do. Since it was the literal only thing I knew remotely close to something about me.

    "My name." I spoke up, looking back at the boy. He nodded, gesturing for me to continue.

"Well what is it?" He asked quickly, before wincing again at his rushed movement.

    "Indigo." I sighed, the name rolling off my tongue naturally.

    "My names Indigo."


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