chapter twenty-six: [i hate you]

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"Tonight I realized that you weren't the one who wrecked me, ruined me, or destroyed me. it was me because only I have the power to do that to myself. I destroyed myself loving you."

       Indigo's POV

     I lounged in Allison's room that morning, relaxing on her bed as she sat at her desk. I was exhausted, worn out, retiring- anything to use for the word. I was done.

Stiles hadn't spoken to me since last night or, even showed any want to. I was stuck healing with Scott last night, when Allison dropped by. Confused and worried, I ended up telling her. Everything. And just like with Scott- she completely understood. Even tried to help me with Stiles. She even cracked a few vampire jokes. Dare I say, she told me 'that's got to suck'.

      A slap on the arm was earned for that one.

   "So, still not going to do anything about it?" Allison brought up.

"About what?" I asked.

    "Him. It." She sighed, spinning around in her chair. "The thing that's probably ripping you apart right now."

"He's probably scared I'm going to rip him apart." I huffed.

   Allison waited, before standing up and sitting next to me. "He's probably upset you didn't tell him. I was- that night at the school? All of you knew except me, about Scott. My boyfriend. Look at us now."

    "Creeping in hiding places for your quickest next make out?" I smiled. She rolled her eyes at me.

"Heartbreak is not a good look on you." She chuckled.

   Footsteps echoed and we both looked, just in time to see Lydia strut in with a smile- and two Macy's bag.

"Clear your schedules." She grinned, wiggling the bags. "This could take a while."

   Allison's mouth gaped as Lydia set the bags down, which actually made the bed sink at the weight.

 "How many outfits do you plan on wearing?" Allison asked. Lydia shrugged.

    "It's my birthday party." She smirked, before holding up a dress to her frame. "I'm thinking. . . hostess? Evening dress, then- after hours casual."

  Allison nodded, twiddling her thumbs. "I also noticed you didn't send any invites."

"It's the biggest party of the year." Lydia scoffed. "Everyone knows."

Allison chuckled. "Yeah, I was just wondering. If maybe, this year things, you know, might be different."

   "Why would anything be different?" Lydia spoke, her voice nervously hitting a high note.

"Just, 'cause things have been off lately. Things. . ."

       "And people." I added. "Like. . . Jackson?"

Lydia froze. "Why do either of you care about Jackson?"

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