chapter twenty-two: [lydia protection program]

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"My ribs are bruised from my heart pounding so hard inside my chest when I think about you."

    Indigo's POV

    Class started as the bell rang, students I hadn't seen before sitting in my classroom, but maybe I just hadn't noticed. Although, I did notice Lydia. She sat all the way in the back, smoothing out her bright pink leather jacket.

    "Would anyone mind answering the question on the board?" A teacher's voice spoke, but I couldn't find the teacher. When I heard a chair scoot, I assumed a student was chosen. I found Lydia walk past my desk to the front and pick up a piece of white chalk. She began writing, and in boredom, I looked down to my blank paper and began doodling.

    A loud screech of metal, a chair being shoved got my attention as I looked up quickly, seeing- Isaac? When the hell did he get in this class?

     He walked up behind Lydia, who was writing strange letters, and revealed his claws. My eyes widened and I stood up instantly, but hands thrusted me back into my chair. The wind was knocked out of me and I looked up with heavy breaths to see Peter. I froze and he simply smiled and tipped his head towards the front of the class.

    I looked back to see Isaac's fingertips pressed to Lydia's neck, her whimpers escaping irregularly. I tried to get up, but the more I stressed against Peter's hold, the more exhausted became. Isaac's eyes flashed the golden yellow as he swiped his claws, painting Lydia's neck in red, which pooled down her dress and dripped to the floor. A piercing scream erupted from the back of my throat, making my ears ring. I felt my knees hit the floor as I dropped, arms limp by my side. Students around me covered their ears, which held red trails. Trails I could smell as blood.

   "Indigo." Peter's voice shut off my scream like a switch.

"Get out of my head." I snapped, and I could feel the tips of my new teeth poke my bottom lip as they elongated.

    "I'm here to stay." He chuckled, sitting on the desk that stood next to me. "I'm here to help."

"Like hell you are." I growled and I swiped my claws at him, but his body turned to whisps of dust, before I saw him reappear next to a collapsed, bleeding Lydia.

   "Do you like this, Indigo?" He asked, giving me a serious look. "Do you like to see your friends die?"

"Sorry to disappoint, but I'm not a monster like you are." I spat, standing up.

     "Not like me." Peter smirked. "But, a monster, yes. Granted, still not to your full potential, but sure."

   "Full potential?" I became confused and curious.

"Yes, Indigo." He clenched his fists, like in victory. "Full potential. Stronger, faster, smarter. Probably unstoppable."

     "Why are you telling me this?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Because I am fascinated by you, Indigo." Peter stepped closer. "I want to make you the most of what you are! And it's all so easy. . ."

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