chapter thirteen: [leave me alone]

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  "Nothing makes me happier and nothing makes me sadder, than you."

   Indigo's POV

"You're not gonna make it." Derek reminded him again as we drove. Stiles sighed and nodded.

  "I know."

"And you didn't tell him about his mom either." Derek spoke again.

  "Not till we find out the truth." Stiles huffed, stopping in the front of the hospital. I took a deep breath and got ready to get out of the jeep.

"By the way, one more thing." Derek slowly nodded, before he grabbed Stiles' head and slammed it to the drivers wheel. I gasped and ripped Derek's hand off Stiles.

  "What the hell was that for?" I hissed at Derek. He just glared at me and Stiles.

"He knows what that was for now go." He snapped, ushering Stiles out of the car. I crawled out along with him, shutting the driver's door.

Me and Stiles opened the hospital doors, no one at the front desk. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Shouldn't a hospital have, I don't know, employees?" I shrugged, peering over the counter.

  "Yeah. Let me call Derek." Stiles nodded, pulling out his phone. He quickly dialed the number, putting it to his ear.

"Yeah, we can't find anyone. There's no one." Stiles nodded, looking into one room. He shook his head.

  "Well, he's not here either. He's gone, Derek."

I heard shouting in Stiles phone, then noticed his eyes widen.

"What are you doing here?"

I spun around, seeing a not so happy nurse. She had her arms crossed in an annoyed fashion.

  "Visiting hours are over." She snapped.

I felt Stiles hand slowly clasp around my own, pulling me closer behind him.

"Ah, Stiles. You know, I figured you'd show up."

Me and Stiles spun around to a new voice, seeing a man. He was wearing all black, including a long trench coat. My mind sparked seeing his face, like I'd seen him before or met him before.

"Oh, and you." He smiled. "I know you."

  "How?" I asked, stepping forward. "Who are you?"

"That's Peter." Stiles whispered, pulling me back. "Derek's uncle."

  "Wait, you're the one- and he's- oh my god." Stiles breathed out, running a hand over his hair as he glanced from the nurse to Peter. "We're gonna die."

My eyes widened hearing him say that.

A slam behind us made us look back, seeing Derek standing over the nurse, who was now knocked out.

"That's not nice. She's my nurse." Peter frowned.

  "She's a psychotic bitch helping you kill people." Derek snapped.

I froze, putting the pieces together. Peter's the Alpha.

"Get out of the way." Derek looked at me and Stiles, anger taking over.

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