chapter nineteen: [surprises? ice rinks?]

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"They were just friends, that spoke like lovers. And that seemed to be enough for two teenagers who were scared to love each other."

    Indigo's POV

  Allison pulled into the gas station, maybe a few miles from her house. I was staying over tonight, but Allison said she needed to fill up. So, Allison hopped out of the car and opened the gas tank cover, pushing a few buttons on the gas pump.

   "Have you and Scott talked about that night?" I asked, getting out of the car as well. I walked around the trunk and stood in front of her.

"Just- about how worried he is about me being alone. Constantly." She sighed. "What about Stiles?"

    "I had to hear from Derek that a hunter dressed as a deputy tried to hurt him. I was pretty angry, but he's okay. We're okay." I nodded. The smirk on Allison's face made me crack a smile, her breaking into laughter.

    A ding noise went off and we both looked to see a man getting on a motorbike. He was putting his helmet on, before smiling at us, and riding away.

"Okay, strange." I shrugged, looking back to the number dialing up on the screen. Suddenly, everything went dark. The pump stopped, the lights flickered off. Nothing.

   "Okay, strange-er." I shakily spoke. Allison quickly nodded.

"Let's just go."

   She pulled out the gas pump and shut the cover, hopping back in. I ra ot my side and hopped it, seeing Allison's wide eyes at the empty key hole.

"They were right here." She quietly spoke.

    "Did you drop them?" I wondered.

We both hopped out to look on her side, looking down around the concrete. Nothing.

    A small scream echoed and I looked up to see no Allison. Hands gripped my shoulders and a bag with slipped over my face, before they started dragging away as I struggled.


   I sat on a wooden chair now, hands tied behind me, cloth wrapped around my mouth and the bag still on my head. Someone ripped that off, revealing Mr. Argent in front of me. Allison was next to me, tears in her eyes as she looked to her father.

   "Ever wonder what happens if a hunter gets bitten? Ever wonder what happens if you get bitten? What do you think your father would do if either of you got bitten? What do you think he'd have to do?" A voice echoed around the old empty house we were in.

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