chapter seven: [Lydia?]

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  "The most important things are hardest to say."

   Indigo's POV

I groaned, pulling a bowling ball off the rack. Not that I remember playing or anything-

But I was pretty sure I sucked at this.

I carried my bowling ball out of the room, passing Scott as we walked out together.

"Has Lydia told you who she's brought for you?" He asked, looking at me. I sighed and shut my eyes in annoyance.

  "I don't even want to know. Anybody she has will be completely-"

I froze when I watched Lydia walk up with a guy by her side. Scott lightly chuckled and walked away, leaving me to fend for myself.

"Indigo-" Lydia smiled, gesturing to the guy next to her. "This is Matt. Matt, this is Indigo."

I gave him a short smile, almost turning it into a grimace. I already didn't want to be here, but now my date was radiating creepy.

"Hey." He smiled. "You're even prettier than Lydia described."

I awkwardly nodded, before walking towards the lane, which Matt followed me to.

  "So, Lydia told me you're a new student?" He tried to make conversation as we sat down. I shrugged.

"Definitely new, I guess." I joked to myself.

  "Where are you from?" Matt asked, putting an arm behind me. I almost winced at the horrible move.

"Upstate. Kind of... wandered on my own." I sighed. He smirked, leaning in.

  "Not anymore."

Luckily, Jackson speaking broke our conversation

He chuckled. I looked at Scott who had a humiliated expression on his face, then to the bowling lane. Oh, god.

"Jackson? Mind shutting up?" Allison scoffed, standing up for her date.

  "I-I'm sorry." Jackson laughed. "I'm just flashing back to the words 'I'm a great bowler'."

"Maybe he just needs to... warm up?" I shrugged. Allison gave me a grateful smile.

  "Yeah, maybe he just needs the kiddie bumpers." Matt scoffed, laughing along with Jackson. I rolled my eyes, freezing when I felt Matt's hand on my thigh.

This was going to be a long night.


"Uh, Jackson? How many strikes is that?" Allison smirked as Scott proudly sat next to her. He rolled his eyes.

  "It's six." He grumbled. "In a row."

"Something just- clicked, I guess?" Scott smugly shrugged. I scoffed. Yeah, werewolf senses clicked. Cheater.

  "Maybe it's natural talent?" Allison added, smiling. I nodded, happy that Scott was doing- whatever he was doing. Finally pushing Jackson off that pedestal he put himself on.

"I could use some natural talent?" I heard Lydia innocently shrug. My mouth gaped open.

  "No," Scott nodded, making me let out a breath of relief. "You're good. Go for it."

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