chapter seventeen: [don't tell him]

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  "Some things are best left unsaid."

    Indigo's POV

 My body jolted as I woke up, eyes opening to the sun going through my window blinds. I furrowed my eyebrows. Did I put myself to bed last night?

    "Good morning."

I turned to the voice, seeing Melissa smile at me, already dressed in her work attire.

  "Hey, did- did you put me to bed last night?" I asked, my voice groggy and tired. Her eyebrows furrowed, shaking her head.

  "When I got home, you were already in bed, like Scott. Did- you not out yourself to bed?" She asked, leaning against the doorway. I shook my head, throwing the covers off as I got out of bed and stood up.

"Well, maybe Scott did." Melissa sighed, shrugging. "Anyways, just wanted to wake you two up for school. I have the early shift today, then back at 7."

  "Okay." I smiled. "Have a nice day, Mel-"

She glared at me playfully, not daring me to say Melissa.

  "Have a nice day, Mom." I grinned widely. She nodded and did a quick jog to me, throwing her arms around me. I hummed and held back, giving a quick squeeze before allowing her to leave for work.

She left quickly out the door and soon I heard her car start and roar off.

I walked out of my room to Scott's, wondering if he'd gotten up yet. His door was closed, but slowly, I opened it, hoping I wasn't intruding on anything too private.


  I opened to see him on the computer, scrolling down a website.

The same from last night.

    "Is this it?" He asked me, not turning away from the screen.

"Is it what?" I hesitated. He sighed and spun around to face me.

   "Is this what you are? A- Vampire Banshee?" Scott pointed to the screen. I shut my eyes and exhaled softly.

"I- maybe? The only thing that's happened to prove it is, me smelling the blood and the "premonition" things." I huffed, sitting on the edge of his bed, pushing hair out of my face.

   "Premonitions? What did you see?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Peter." I nodded. "Peter coming to Winter Formal. Hurting Lydia, killing her, turning her, whatever he was doing."

  "That's why you were out there." Scott breathed out. "To save her. Save Lydia."

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