chapter fourteen: [first, and maybe, last dance]

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"History repeats itself twice. First, as a tragedy, second as a farce."

    Indigo's POV

I slowly pushed open the door, the bell at the top of the entrance creating a small jingle. I shut it behind me and waited for him to walk out.

  "Indigo. I'd last expect for you to come here." Deaton shrugged, walking fro the back room.

"I had some questions. And, I think you can answer them." I hopefully asked, stepping towards the small fence between the lobby area and those back rooms.

  "I- don't know what makes you think I could answer them. I assure you, Ms. Indigo, I am a vet-"

"Scott told me you know about- him. Him and Derek." I sighed. Deaton froze before nodding firmly.

  "I see." He breathed out.

I put my hand on the door and pushed it open, walking past it towards him. His eyebrows furrowed.

  "I don't know what questions you could have if you can walk past that door." He shook his head, walking back to where he came from. I glanced at the door, confused, before following him. He was cleaning a small metal table in the middle, the examination light gleaming off it.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, leaning on the table. Deaton set aside the washing cloth and looked to me.

  "You're here because you think you're something, am I wrong?" He asked, raising his eyebrows. I shook my head, confirming him.

"This- entire building actually- is made of mountain ash. It supposedly keeps away supernatural creatures, sort of like a barrier." He explained.

  "Like- a fence?" I asked.

  "Almost. Any supernatural is not allowed to cross the mountain ash, creating a safe circle for the victim on the other side of the ash." He further said.

"Does this mean- I'm not something?" I sighed, almost annoyed. I heal? That can't not be something.

  "Not necessarily. Depending on what you are. You could be a hybrid, meaning your other half which would have to be human, isn't effected by the mountain ash." Deaton suggested, before pulling out a small box, small containers full of certain herbs, all having a symbol on the side.

He continued to pull out a few, opening one with black sand.

"Mountain ash?" I asked. Deaton only nodded. He placed the top of the container on the table, then poured a circle of the mountain ash around it. Setting down the container, he took a deep breath.

  "Try to grab it." He nodded. I looked at him uneasily, slowly raising my hand. I reached, cautiously nearing my fingers to the circle. But, my fingers reached the top and gripped it, pulling it out.

"Mountain ash doesn't affect you." He stated to himself, opening the next container. I recognized the purple flower, preparing my lungs for the pain I knew to come.

He pulled it out and the air instantly grew thick. I took a deep breath, but it was cut off short by a cough. I hastily raised my elbow to my mouth, covering it.

  Deaton reached the flower towards me and I flinched back, looking at him like he was crazy. He sighed and looked to me.

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