chapter five: [stupid purple flower]

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"Our lives are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss."

Indigo's POV

    "Are you gonna stay here with Stiles? Or do you wanna come with me?" Scott asked, pointing towards the morgue.

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Yes, Scott. I want to go look at half a dead body." I sarcastically scoffed. He mockingly raised his hands up, walking into the morgue, while also trying to avoid any real doctors.

I turned back around, seeing Stiles had already walked somewhere else. I looked further, seeing him frozen at the front desk. I quirked an eyebrow and stepped closer, to see what he was so focused on-


   I groaned, rolling my eyes again. Why was he so stuck on her? All she did was ignore him. I can only imagine how awful that felt for him, if even I was getting pissed about it.

Stiles began pacing, before he took two small steps towards her.

"Don't do it.." I winced, shaking my head to myself.

He paused, mid-step, and shook his head. Stiles turned right back around the corner and sat in the nearest waiting chair.

   Hold on.

I quirked an eyebrow and stepped towards him, needing immediate answers.

   "What happened there?" I asked, gesturing to where he just was. Stiles looked at me, glanced where he was and shrugged.

"Changed my mind."

   "Changed your mind?" I scoffed, sitting next to him. "You decided not to talk to the girl you have a major crush on?"

"It's not major..." He mumbled, waving it off.

I rolled my eyes, leaning my head against the wall in frustration.


He looked at me, raising his eyebrows.

   "Okay-" He mocked. "What about you? Any major crushes?"

At first, I thought about laughing, saying that I'd been here for a few days at the lease and he expected me to already have some kind of crush. But, I'd be lying if I said some guys didn't catch my eye. At first, I'd find myself gushing over Stiles. As funny as that is. I had to scold myself for thinking he'd like me, and tried to get over it. Since then, I hadn't really looked at another guy.

   "Not really." I shrugged, trying to play it off.

Stiles stared at me, his expression unreadable, until he nodded.

"The scent was the same."

   "Oh, God!" Stiles flinched, Scott's presence startling him. I chuckled at his spaz, before standing up with Scott.

"You're sure?" I asked. Scott nodded, confident.

  "So he did bury the other half on his property? Which means we have proof he killed the girl." Stiles said excitedly.

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