Chapter 5:Why Would You Do This And I'm Sorry It's Not Gonna Be Easy''.

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Chapter 5:Why Would You Do This And I'm Sorry It's Not Gonna Be Easy''.

(Clare edwards ran threw the hospital front doors in tears running towards the front door asking were Elijah Goldsworthy's Room was with Allie on her tale for support)

Clare:(Crying)Excuse me what room is Elijah Goldsworthys room ma'm?. Woman at desk:(Sarcastic)Idk why would a slut with to much make-up on want to know?(laughing). Clare:(Angry)Excuse me just tell me were Elijah Goldsworthy room is before I-(Woman at desk:(laughing)Before you what? She challenged Clare as the woman gave her a look and the woman glared at her.Clare raised her fist as the womans eyes widen in shock and fear trying to block the hit before Allie grabbed Clare Fist and Clare turned to Allie angry before Clare could speak)Allie:(Soothing & Calm)Clare she's not work it i just talked to one of the doctors about your husband Elijah-Woman at Desk:(In Shock)Husband? Your Husbands way to hot for you. Clare:(Glares at the woman)(Allie lets go of Clares hand)Allie:(venom)Listen i already speaked with your manager and he would like a word with you,so you might be out of a job sweetheart. Id she didnt have a child and husband to worry about i would of let her beat you senseless if it werent for them or i might do it for her if you don't fuckin behave.

Woman:(Swallowing weakly and nodding). Allie:(Smiles before turning back to Clare)Eli's in room 107,the doctor confirmed it. (Clare smiled before running into Eli's Room to see him with tubes in his arms,his nose and a blood bad feeding its way into his arms,the sight made her breakdown again and sob harder taking his hand before Adam,Dallas,and Drew left the room to give them some privacy). Clare:(Sobbing)Eli What did you do?. Eli:(Cracking voice)I-I-ilI tryes to kill myself Clare I thought I was gonna lose you again,please tell me i'm not gonna lose you again? I can't,i fucked up,I know that but please I don't wanna lose you,I love you to much,please tell me we can work through this Clare:(Frowns)Eli we,idk if-. Eli:(biting his lip on the verge of tears)please Clare,I'll Do anything. Clare:(About ro cry uncontrollably before yanking her hand away)Eli I need Time To Think About This,What you did was unforgivable,especially with her of all people. Eli:(breaks down)I know Clare,My beautiful Clare i'm so so so so so sorry,just don't leave me please. Clare:(Lets the tears fall)I don't know this Time Eli,maybe this time love isn't enough. (Runs out the room in tears as Eli breaks down sobbing into his hands

"Don't Shatter Us Because Of Stupid Mistake's " (Eli/Clare) FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now