Chapter 8:This is whats going down and happening

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Chapter 8:This is whats going down and happening while we rebuild ourselves.

Clare Walked inside Eli's Room quietly so nobody would hear her as she smiled at all the three boys asleep since its been hours since she's actually stepped inside the room. She walked closer to the bed and slowly smiled at Elijah Jr in Eli's Arms as More tears came to her eyes as she grabbed Eli's hand gently squeezing it for him to feel it but not to wake him up before slowly letting his hand go and looking back down at Elijah jr. Clare bit her lip as she felt the sob rising in her throat ready to escape she quickly turned away from both of them and slowly made her way towards the window.

''Clare Goldsworthy?''. Clare turned around hearing her name and her eyes widen as she went into shock with the figure staring at her infront of her with a smile. Clare swallowed weakly as the figure made its way infront of her still smiling as she looked down at Clare's hand and entwined Them together,nodding smiling still at Clare.

Clare:(Swallows nervously)How?. Mystery Person:(Smiling)Nevermind that Clare but I'm only here to guide you and help you fix your marriage as your guardian angel. I love you as my own sister. Clare:(Numb still)Why? You-The mystery person cut her off still giving her a warm smile as they put there hand on her heart and Clare gasps as she felt all the emotions of a humanbeing going through her when Eli cheated on her and she tryed to fight the figure off as Clare let all her tears flow down her face in agony before it suddenly stopped as a warm,fuzzy feeling took over only Eli gave her when she's with them. Mystery Person:(Smiling sadly with tears in there eyes at the younger girls pain)I'm so sorry Clare,I didn't not want to do that to you but its part of procedure to give the person the feelings that cause them so much pain to show them what truly gives them that happy,humble feeling again. It is Eli for you Clare,is it not? (Clare only nodded as the tears subsided,because even though Clare had Idea what to expect,she trusted the person,something told her to. Clare wiped her tears away before slowly smiling at the new feeling and her eyes moved to Eli. She wanted not to look,she wanted to curse him out,she wanted to break this marriage but something deep down told her to stay strong through this mess and fix this marriage so her and Eli could be happy again and there child would be equally happy then he already was,even though he has no idea what was going on in the world around him,he was still a smart two year old and she knew he would figure it out in the end. Clare turned back towards the person with watery-eyes and a smile. Clare:Your not doing this just to make him happy are you. (The mystery person shook there head no and pulled her into a hug gently but tightly as Clare hugged back as the figure whispered in her ear. ''I'm Brought Down To Help All people,Especially Couples Who Are Mean't To Be Together And I Want You Both To Be Happy,Do Not Forgive Him Easily,We All Know He Needs A Lesson But Do Not Leave His Side As A Friend At First As You Put it. (They both laughed alitte before the figure continued to speak). Forgive Him In Time Clare,When You Feel The Time is Right. Clare:(Pulling away wiping her tears)How Will I Know?. MysteryPerson:(Smiles)You'll Know,Trust Me You'll Know. Now I Must Go,I'll See You Later. (With that The Mystery Person Disappeared and Clare stared in Awe At the Beauty Of white,so Pure,it Left Behind and as it disappeared completely,she heard her name being called.

Clare Goldsworthy smiles as she felt fingers running through her hand,and she smiled alittle knowing that touch all to well,his rough but soft fingers massaging her scalp that was usually one of the things she loved that he would do for her after she got out of work to relax her and fall asleep. She sat up as the hand moved away and ocean blue met green eyes so many times before like the first time theu met,they feeling of nervousness and butterflies never faded between them,some would call it true love between the two,others would call it myth to have that either because of jealous envy of others who just didn't believe because they didn't have with there partner or couldn't understand or just didn't want to there full potential.

''Clare?'',Clare nodded at Eli to continue as he was staring at her biting his lip,a look of sadness with admiration and love in his eyes at her,she couldn't help it. She had to turn away for another minute before looking at him as she made her way towards his bed and she saw him swallow weakly and the tears ready to spill at her,she had to be strong,friends now,he still my husband and I Love Him but he can't have that now but I will take care of him and then take it from there. Eli:(Smiles weakly with tears in his eyes)Clare I'm so so sorry If I Could just have a chance to explain wh-Clare put a finger to Eli's Lips and shook her head as he instantly became quiet. Clare:(Tears in her eyes,swallowing weakly trying not to burst into tears)Eli I'm just your Friend for right now,yes I am still your wife but right now,I'm just your friend. Eli:(InShock&A lil confused)What do you mean baby?. Clare:(Tears Spill over)Don't Call Me That,Not Right Now. Eli:(Tears Welled up as he bites his bite to hold back a sob,nodding solemly). Clare:I'm Going To Take Care Of You As A Friend Until You Get Better Then We Will Focus On This Marriage,You Get The TreatMent Of A Friend Not Husband. We Will Take Care Of Elijah Jr As Our Child And Act Like Nothings Wrong. Now I Need To Get The Car,Adam's Gonna Roll DownStairs In The WheelChair They Have For You while I Pull The Car Around. (Clare went to pass by the bed while Eli gently grabbed her wrist,His eyes widen looking at her hand,then to her face. It remained hard,emotionless. Clared swallowed weakly,she's never seen Eli look so broken,so torn,and even though it killed her inside to do this,she had to. She had to stay strong until the time was right) Eli:(InShock)Were's Your Wedding Ring Clare? Clare:(Biting her lip,sucking in a shallow breath)Cece had it and she will continue to have it until I'm ready to put it back on and I fully forgive you. Eli:(Tears coming down his cheeks)Clare,No,please d-She cut him off pulling her wrist away gently and looking at him one more time before offering him a weak,small smile. She didn't have to be so cold,she knew that but she wanted him to feel atleast the hurt she was and the guardian said that still offer kindness nomatter how hurt you are in a time of weakness,so she offered it still alittle bit to ease him.

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