Chapter 19;Don't touch my wife Clare or my son Elijah Jr!!!!

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Clare's eyes widen inshock as she see pictures of her and Eli,but the thing that freaked her out was that she was cut out of all the pictures and Imogens face was pasted on all of them. There were even the ones with Elijah Jr in them. Clare walked to the counter and held it,also holding her stomach as she felt nausea come up as she threw up all in the sink. She grabbed a knife as she looked down at her phone and made her way to the stairs to make the phone call to the cops as she walked up the stairs seeing more pictures of imogen and eli as her stomach turned more.

She immediately dropped the phone on the ground as she saw eli tied up to the bed and ran to him crying to wake him up. "Cla-re, is-is that you baby?"Eli says trying to open up his eyes. "Yes,Eli what did Imogen do to you?"Clare asked through her tears as she sobbed harder and Eli was finally able to open his eyes all the way and tried to move to touch her but couldnt from the ropes he was being restrained with. "Clare baby watc-Before Eli could finish clare fell out to the ground with a thud being knocked out cold with a crazy looking Imogen covered in blood smiling sickly with a shovel in her hand before she drops it and steps over her to eli and pats his cheek and be glares at her. "Your one evil bitch Imogen,why the hell cant you jus leave me alone."Eli growls still trying to get out of the rope as Imogen smiles wickedly laughing menacingly.  

"Eli dont act like you dont want this,whatever happend to us having children together!!!!!!"Imogen says smiling evily still as she trys to kiss Eli and he close's his mouth to her,then bites her lip as she screams out in pain and blood gush's from her lip as she pulls away and holds it. Imogen screamed as an object was slapped acrossed her head and she fell to the ground with a thud herself. Eli looked confused before looking back up to see Darcy untying him. "Um aren't you-She cuts him off "It doesn't matter right now,just get ny sister out of here and I'll handle this crazy bitch"Darcy says as she unties the rope from eli's right foot and he gets off the bed to pick up clare.

He turns to say something to darcy to only see her and Imogen fighting. Imogen pulling darcy's hair,while darcy kicking her stomach to see her fly across the room. He stares in shock as Imogens body hits the floor and she's knocked out cold. Darcy looked up pissed off like there was something hidden in them,like a sudden hate for Imogen that Eli couldnt put his thoughts on before her eyes hid it with the quickness.

"Eli,Go!!!!! Take Clare downstairs now!!!"Darcy yelled as she seen Imogen come to wake. Eli nodded and ran downstairs as he seen the door open to reveal Adam, Drew Bianca,Alli and Becky. Alli gasped at Clare as Eli gave her to Drew as he layed her down on the couch and told everyone to check on her while he grabbed a knife from the kitchen and ran back upstairs. As he walked by a closet in the hallway,he heard a cry from the closet and opened the door to see Elijah Jr in it.

He was taped to chair with his arms and legs taped and his mouth. Eli's eyes widend in shock before he literally became pissed off pulling Elijah Jr from the closet and untaping him in a rush rage before telling him to go downstairs.

Eli running downstairs to hand him to Adam and run back upstairs at full speed into the room he was just tied up in. 

Eli ran straight at Imogen and knocked her on her back as he was ontop of her and began to choke her as Darcy tried to pull her off of her as he pushed Darcy away roughly without meaning too.  His adrenaline rush was getting to him because of what she did to his son. So out of nowhere,Imogen stabbed Eli and he turned and fell onto the ground as Imogen got ontop of him tryin to bring the knife down to his his face. "If I can't have you Eli,nobody can"Imogen said as she brought the knife in both hands and try to plung it into his face. Eli grabbed both of her hands as he struggled to keep the knife from touching his face. He looked around before he saw a gun underneath the bed just lying there before he looked backed up at Imogen to make sure she wasn't using all her strength.

Eli grabbed the gun with one hand and without a second thought with cold eyes he pulled the trigger and shot Imogen straight in the head.

Everything in the room stopped as Imogen fell off of him. He dropped it beside her head and got up to look down at her in shock and gulped nervously as his hands began to shake. He heard the door open behind him and when he turned around he saw....... ...

Should I continue you guys? What do you think???? Is it any good or not??? Im'a alittle rusty and I sill am so sorry for making you wait guys,really. I feel so bad for the wait.

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