Chapter 17:I love u two and how'd you get in my room

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Chapter 17:I love you two and Wait How'd The Hell You Get In My Room...!!!!?????????

Eli and Clare were still stuck in the same position as they watched the person walk further into the room without looking up from the clipboard and talk to them never looking up.

Clare and Eli still stayed there in the same position,not knowing what to do or even move a muscle as they watch the doctor move to the side of the bed never leaving there eyes from the clipboard.

Doctor:Mrs.Goldsworthy were you aware that you were Pregnant?

Eli and Clare's Eyes widen as they both Yell. ''PREGNANT..?''.

There's heels clanking against the floor as another person walks through the door and the clanking suddenly stops as everyone looks towards the door and they see Alli with wide eye's and covers her mouth,then her eyes as she slowly backs out the room and runs out the room.) The doctor suddenly covers his eyes two. Doctor:Oh God,Wow. Couldn't keep it in your pants young man. (Runs out the room after Alli did.) (Eli and clare fix themselves as Eli lays down next to her,wrapping his arms around Clare's waste and brings her closer to him.) Eli:(Smiles alittle and looks down at Clare.) So there's another Goldsworthy in your stomach,ehh? Clare:(Blushes,looking up at him.)Yea I guess so but i just don't know when it happend. Eli:(Frowns alittle)You don't sound to excited blue-eyes. Clare:(Shakes her head and smiles alittle to re-asure him.) No Eli,its not that,it's just Everything that has happend in the past week and are we finacially stable for anothee child,I already Got Elijah Jr kidnapped. Im'a a ba-Eli cut her off,cupping her cheek.Eli:(Looking into her eyes) Clare Goldsworthy,Do not and I mean do not finish that sentence or try to. You could never be a bad mother You hold us together,without you this family would fall apart into pieces and I'd probably have fair fall out already. Your the best mother in the world Clare Goldsworthy and I'm glad to call you mine. Clare:(smiles and leans up to kiss Eli)I love you,you know that right? Eli:(smiles and kiss's her forehead)I know and I love you two my blue-eyes,I promise to never hurt you again. Clare:(kiss's the corner of his mouth) so what do you think the baby is? Eli:(smirks)what do you think my beloved? Clare:(giggles at his ancient language)I love when you do that,my sexy emo vampire. Eli:(mocks hurt to his heart)Shhhh!!!! Edwards someone might hear you and we might not be able to be together. Clare:(giggles and replys smugly)It's Goldsworthy now ok,got that? And that will never happen,I won't allow it. I love you to much,besides your the one being loud. Someone might know our secret now. Eli:(smiles lovingly at Clare with love and affection before laying his head gently on her stomach as she ran her fingers through his hair smiling warmly to have her Eli finally back.).

Eli and Clare both didn't notice everyone come in. ''Um...what are you guys doing?'' They heard a voice asked and they both looked up to see Adam,becky,dallas,dave,and drew. Dallas:(smiles alittle)I mean besides having sex in a hospital bed. (Eli's eyes widen before he smirks and clare blush's hiding her face in Eli's chest). Eli:(smirks)Why jealous you haven't...? Dallas:(smiles drops before smirks again and laughs at Eli)Good one Emoboy. Just like highschool days all over again. Eli:(rolls eyes). Becky:(smiling at Clare)So I heard there's another Goldsworthy in your there. (Pats Clare stomach). Eli:(laughs)I see Alli couldnt keep her mouth shut this time either huh? (Everyone nods smiling as Alli peeks around the corner of the hospital door.) Alli:(smiles alittle) Sorry clarebear they kinda got it out of me. Clare:(smirks and shakes her head)Come on inAlli. (Alli walks in and hugs Clare.) Alli pulls away and goes and sits on the side of Clare's bed. Alli:So what do you think the gender of the baby is guys? Clare:(smiles)GIRL! Eli:(yells)BOY! (Clare's looks at Eli and they both blush,looking down as everyone laughs.) Adam:Well then,we must celebrate when Clare gets out the hospital. (Becky comes in holding ballons,with Elijah He holding her hand as he jumped on the bed with Eli and Clare and hugged them as they hugged him back) Elijah Jr:(Smiling)Momwwy,Dadwwty auntwie Allwie says I'm gonna have a sister. Clare:(looks at Elijah Jr and smiles)Yes baby but your daddy thinks your gonna have alittle brother. Elijah Jr:(looks at Eli and laughs)Dadwwy im gonna have a sister. Eli:(smiles and ruffles Elijah Jr's hair)You think so little one. Elijah Jr:(laughs and grabs Eli's hand)I know so,daddwwy. Momwwy didn't raise no fool. Clare:(eyesbrows raise up and looks at Eli,while everyone begins to laugh)No more television for you. Elijah Jr:(whines)Mommwy,but Dadwwy did it. Eli:(shocked and mouth drops open in shock before laughing)Wow nice way to throw me under the bus kid,but you said it. Elijah Jr:(puppy pouts)But-but-Adam:(laughs and gives Elijah Jr. A comic book and watches as Elijah jt stops whining and trys to read the comic book as he cuddles into Clare and clare wraps her arms around Elijah Jr.

Clare looks up and smiles at everyone in the room. This was her family since highschool and she loved each and everyone of them. Doctor comes in again and looks at everyone before looking at Clare and Eli again. Doctor:(laughs)I know your wife is very beautiful but I please ask you to keep it in your pants next time young man. Clare:(eyes widen and blush's,hiding in Eli's chest) Eli:(looks down at Clare and smirks at the doctor and looks alittle jealous)Um,sorry sir. Doctor:(not paying attention to Eli's glare and looks at everyone)Its quite alrite young man. I'm sorry to do this since I just let you guys back in but visiting hours are over. (Doctor walks out as everyone says goodbye to eli and clare,while Alli takes Elijah Jr home with her,case,and Clare's mom.) Eli:(looks at Clare skeptically not wanting to leave her)Are you sure you don't want me to stay blue-eyes..? Clare:(smiles) I would love for you to stay but the doctors want allow besides there will be someone here to check on me every hour,ok. Eli:(sighs alittle,still not wanting to leave) Ok,I love you and call if you need anything okay. I'll come running Clare:(smiles)You always come running. Eli:(smiles back and kiss's her forehead) and i'll never stop,I love you Clare:(smiles)Good,and I love you two. (Eli kiss's Clare one more time before leaving and shuting the door.)

Clare turns on her side adjusting the wires on her arm to go to sleep laying down on her side.

1 hour later and the door slowly creaks open and creaks shut behind the person who opened it in the first place. They snuck around Clare's bed and gently shook her awake. As Clare went to wipe the sleep out of her eyes she realised her wrists were tied and her feet before her eye's opened widely to see Imogen staring at her with a wickedly evil smile as Clare's glares at her. Clare:(glaring pissed off)Imogen untie me now cause you know its gonna be ten times worse once I get free and kill you. Imogen:(giggles like a physco)Not if I do it first. Clare:(glares harder and begins to speak in a harsh voice)Imo- before she could finish talking something hit her head and black out....

Hmm,should I continue or not..? Comment please,let me know what you guys think and I'm sorry for keeping you guys wait this long....:/...still plz enjoy and let me know...:)

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