Chapter 13:The Past's Truth And Lets Rescue Elijah Jr.

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Chapter 13:The Past's Truth And Lets Rescue Elijah Jr.

Clare,Adam,Drew,Becky,Dallas,Dave,Jake,Kaite and Allie watched Eli pace and forth grumbling to himself in anger. Adam:Maybe we should call the cops. (Eli laughs alittle and they all stare at him like he's crazy.) Eli:No. Adam:Why Not? Eli:Because Imogens father is head of chief of the police. He'll never believe his sweet little girl kidnap our child,we have to do this ourselves. Becky I need you to hook the videochat back up. Allie I need for you to trace the location from the computer. Adam and Drew hook the recorder up to the computer we need some type of evidence. Dallas I need for you hook up the phone through the computer and write everything there saying down,ok. Clare I need for you to go upstairs and look for the second laptop to attach it together. Everyone Got That?

Everybody:Got It!

While Everybody was doing what they were doing Clare ran upstairs and did as she was instructed to do.


Dallas:(Confused looking at Eli)Why'd You send Clare upstairs? Eli:(Sighs Deeply)Because she's been through enough this week especially cause of my stupid mistake and dumb actions. Dallas:(Sarcastic look at Eli and stops what he's doing to stare at him.) Eli:(Confused)What? Dallas:(Still giving him the sarcastic look)You know out of all people Clare's always been the strongest out of all of us,even me. So why not let her watch whats going on? Eli:(Sighs Deeply again)I'm tired of always having her be the strong one ok. This our child and thats my wife and a physco woman has him. I'm tired of being this bipolar screw-up because of my actions. (Everyone stops and looks at him.) Allie:(InShock frowning alittle.)Your Bipolar Eli? Eli:(Swallows the lump in his throat nervously.)Yea. Becky:(Stares at him for a minute before going on the couch and sitting next to him.)Do you remember when I flipped about the romeo & jules play because they were both two guys? Eli:(Nods confused.) Becky:Well everybody thought it was because of my religion when it was only part. My mood swings Eli,I'm Bipolar two. (Everyone in the room stares in shock and so does Eli.) There's another thing guys,Cam was two. He never wanted anybody to know. (Everyone Gasped.) Dallas:(Staring with wide eyes.)I was his teammate,like his big brother. Why did he tell you and not anybody else? Becky:(Tears in her eyes)Because I'm his sister Dallas. (Everyone goes into shock again.) Dallas:(Angry)Why didn't you tell us any of us? Becky:(Talking through her tears.)I figured it was hard enough on him already. He already was scared enough of girls and me being the sunshine sister didn't help his reputation. So I told him to keep it a secret,I was never ashamed of him never,I was proud of him. I love him and sometimes I feel like its my fault he's gone because I could of helped him. (Adam pulled her off the couch into his arms as he held her wiping her tears calming her down. Everyone stared inshock around the room and bowed there heads for a prayer for Cam and to save Elijah Jr and keep everybody safe.

(With Clare Upstairs)

Clare was searching the room frantically for the second laptop and she instantly jumped bumping into someone. Her eyes widend and she slowly turned around to be relieved to see Julia and JT. Clare:What are you guys doing here? Julia:Where here To Take You To See Your And Eli's HighSchool Years. Clare:(Eyes Widen)Now! Jt&Julia:(smirking)Now! Clare:(Frantic)Guys Mine and Eli son was kidnapped how do you expect me to-JT and Julia snap there fingers and all three of them disappear to a park. Julia was holding on to Clare as Clare did the same trying to get rid of the dizzyness. As Clare looks around she notices a park thats looks quite familiar. She gasped as she saw her 16-year old self,16-year old Adam with a big video camera and 17-year old Eli. They were at the park they did the Romeo&Juliet snippet,this was were they realised who they were after being away from each other for a year.

Clare:Why'd You guys bring me here? JT:Because you see my sister dear you and Eli found your way back to true love here. Clare:(Laughs alittle as JT and Julia lookd at her weirdly)Sorry but how clich'e. Julia&JT:(Laughs)I know right,now watch as we play the past memory. (They boths snap there fingers as The past memory starts from the beginning.)

Clare smiled as Eli kissed her and pulled away as he fell flat on the table and Clare took the toy gun to her chest to make it look like it hit her as the annoying sounds of the toy gun blasted and she fell on the ontop of him and as Adam yelled cut and they both sat up. Clare-16:(Smiling alitle)Uh should we do another take? Eli-17:(Smirking)Nah,Nah that was good. Clare-16:(Smiling)Ok. Adam-16:(Rolls eye at them two clearly feeling like a third wheel.)So what do you guys wanna do now? Clare:We could hang here for alittle bit,if you guys want. (Eli and Adam nod as Adam sits ontop of the table pulling out a comic and Eli looks at the cover as it reads ''Tatto''. An and Idea quickly hits him. Eli:(Smirking)Hey Guys Wanna Go Get A Tatto? Adam:(InShock and smiles)Sure But My Mom Would Probably Flip If She Finds Out. (They both turn to Clare and she smiles weakly at them.) Clare:(Laughs lightly)Sorry Guys I already have one,I Don't want another one. Adam&Eli:(InShock)Wha-What you do? Clare:(Smiles)Yea,You Guys wanna see it? Eli:(Smirking)Very Much,who knew SaintClare was a Secret badass. Lets see if its girly. Clare:(Rolls eyes and turns her bad towards them were it is on side in cursive letters and black and red ink with A heart-shaped black lock with the initials E.G in big bold cursive. (Adam locked amazed and Eli look in shock as Clare turned around smiling at them.) Clare:(Laughing)How's That For a goody-two shoes. (Sticks her tounge out at them and Adam high-fives her.) Adam:(Curious)Who's Initials are those though Clare? Clare:(Frowns)There are my bestfriends,he was my bestfriend when we met in a middleschool when I was 14,we became closer then ever. We went to each others house everyday,then he moved when we were 15,we got these tatto's to remeber our friendship. I miss him so much,wherever he is,I hope he's good and got his gothic collection written comics by now. (She laughs lightly wiping her eyes.) Adam:(Wines)Man that sucks,he read comic books. Clare:(Laughs)Yea,he was the emo to my boy that was him allright. (She looked at Eli seeing him stare at her with so much intensity that it wasn't even funny but she held his gaze.)What? (Eli looked at her one more time before standing up and looking down at her with his hands on his jacket.) Eli:(Curious)Is There Anything He Gave You Before He Left? Clare:(Suddenly Smiles pulling out a half of necklace.) Yes the other half of this guitar-shaped necklace. (He nodded at her taking his jacket off and throwing it on the top of the picknick table and sat back down beside her pulling up his right sleeve to reveal a black and red key tatto with the initial E.D on it and pull out his necklace.) Clare:(Gasps and her eyes well up alittle as realization hits her.) Elijah. Eli:(Nods and whispers)Yea Clare its me. Clare:(Through her tears.)Why didn't you tell me? Eli:(Bites his lip)I really didn't know till Now Clare,Honestly. Clare:(Swallows the lump in her throat feeling weird and happy at the same time.) Eli:(Tears welling up in his eyes)Clare? Clare:(Tears in her eyes amd whispers)Yea? (Eli suddenly throw her arms around Clares waste and put his head in her lap,Adams eyes widen alittle at this emotional Eli's he's never seen and the past two bestfriends.) Eli:(whispers in her lap through his tears.)I Missed You. (Clare ran her hand through his hair and smiled lightly before replying. ''I Missed You Two Eli,I Missed You Two.''.

(Memory Over.)

Clare:(Smiling Happily through her tears)I remeber but why show me that? Julia:(Smiling)That You and Eli will always find your way back to each other because your ment to be together. Clare:(Smiles)Thank You,now can you send me back I need to find my babyboy,please. Julia&JT:(Smiles)Your Welcome and Imogen's has Elijah Jr held hostage at the abandond church. Clare:(Confused)How'd You Know that? JT:(Smiles)Because Clare we always watch out for people we love and Our little GodChild,if were allowed to call her that. Clare:(Admiration in awe at JT and Julia and hugs them)Of Course You Can be the godparents,I love you two like your my own family.(They hug her back)

JT:Lets Go rescue Elijah Jr. Julia:(Smiles as she grabs Clare's hand)For Elijah Jr. (She squeeze 's Clares hand firmly but gently and snaps her fingers disappearing.)

Ok Guys please comment and give me feedback and tell me what you think because I don't think I really wrote this chapter good at all. So you comment and be the judge,continue or not?....please and thank you....:)....

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