Chapter 7:The BestFriends Confrontation and The Wife's Choice.

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Chapter 7:The BestFriends Confrontation and The Wife's Choice.

(Adam sat down in the chair beside Eli's Hospital bed as he let Elijah Jr go from his arms onto the bed with his father,Elijah jr took a finger from Eli's hand so he'd look at him. As Eli Pulled his hands away from his face he smiled weakly at him before wiping his face and hugging him gently but tightly as his son hugged back). Elijah Jr:(Still alil confused)Dadwdy,whwats wrwong?. Eli:(Smiled through his tears)Daddy just got a cut son. (Eli showed his son the long mark and his son looked down in curiousity). Elijah Jr:(Traced the line of the scar lightly)How?. Eli:(Frowns)Daddy did something very bad,I played with glass son. Elijah Jr:(Gasps in shock,pulling his hand away)Dadwdy You knwow how momwmy feewls abouwt Us Playiwng with Glawss. Is This why Mommwy is Sad?. Elijah(Swallowed nervously,licking his suddenly dry lips)Daddy Just Did something very bad and it made mommy upset and mad with me. I can't tell you what i did though son. Were is mommy?. Elijah jr:(Eyes widen showing off his green eyes a mixture of blue seeping through and Eli grimaced alittle seeing his wifes eyes starting to peek through the green and remembering her tear-streaken face in his memory as he felt another sob coming up his throat threatening to release before he swallowed again making sure it doesn't come back up).Shwe talkwing to Aunwtie Alliw and Granma Helwen. shwe said didn't want to comw In and that shw lovewd me. (Eli nodded as he felt tears come to his eyes at the hurt he caused his wife. Never in a million years would he have thought he would ever have a fling with Imogen Moreno or any other woman besides his beautiful wife Clare). Eli Jr:(Looking at Eli's Eyes)Dawdwdy?. Eli:(Smiling alil through his tears)Yes. Elijah Jr:(Smiling)Dawdwy Mommwy Still Loves You. She Will alwayws love You. she Canwt Forgwt about Her Soulmate. Adam:(Laughing)Dude I Think Clare's Been Teaching Elijah Jr the soap opera channel and letting his watch them. Eli:(Smiles at Elijah Jr)You think Mommy still Loves Me Son?. Elijah Jr:(Smiling at Eli)I Know So Dawddwy. (Eli and Adam Laugh for a moment before Elijah Jr yawns and snuggles into Eli's side slowly falling asleep,sucking his thumb).

Adam:(Looks at Eli)So why?. Eli:(Looks up at adam and sighs deeply knowing exactly what he's talking about). I don't know Adam,the first time I was drunk,everytime I went out with Imogen,even when we were younger,we got drunk and slept together but after me and clare got together I stopped all connections,so im even surprised at myself for this week fling. Adam:(Nodding solemly listening)So it was only for a weak and how many time and why?. Eli:(Sighs)Only once,i ignored every other text she sent me after it happend and then Clare saw one and flipped. The only reason I answered to her first one was because told me her boyfriend of a year cheated on her and I just went out with her for a couple of drinks to talk and it happend. I totally ignored her after that I swear to god. Adam:(Eyes widen)Did,did Elijah Goldsworthy just say he swore on god?. Eli:(smirks alittle,nodding before looking down at his son). I wouldn't want anything to come between me and my beautiful family. I already made a dumb mistake,why would I keep doing it. Adam:(Smiles alittle at his bestfriend)You fucked up dude but now I think Clare will listen now after she calms down from the panick attack you gave her. Eli:(frowns)Oh man,im sorry. Adam:(Shakes his head)Don't tell me that,tell Clare that. Eli:(Frowns)If she'll listen. (Eli's son's words echo throughout his head. ''Daddy mommy will always love you,I know si''. And that thought alone,that little bit of confidant words fron his and Clare's son the woman he was mean't to be with kept Eli holding to the little bit of hope he had left that Clare Would forgive him and they could fix this.

(With Clare,Allie,Helen,and CeCe).

They all stared at Clare waiting for her to say something,which seemed like forever was only a couple of minutes before she spoke. Clare:(Sighs Deeply biting on her lip)I think its better if i stayed at Allie's for alittle while and me and Eli take turns taking care of Elijah Jr. Helen:(Frowns and sighs whilr everybody looks at her)Clare your husband needs you and even though he was wrong for what he did,did you even give him time to exlain. This is not gonna be good on him or Elijah Jr Clare and Eli's physically hurt and needs you to take care of him. He can't be in the house by himself. Cece:(Sighs)Your Mothers Right Clare,He's hurt and it be hard for him to care for Elijah Jr in the house without you. Allie:(Smiles meekly)Clare there right why don't you just take care of him and Elijah Jr in the house. Clare:(Grumbles angrily)Ugh I can't believe this,I don't want to take care of him. Helen:Clare you made a vow sickness and in health. Clare:(Yelling)SO DID HE BUT HE CLIMBED INTO BED WITH ANOTHER WOMAN!. (Cece,Helen,and Alli's eyes grew wide as everyone in the hospital stopped around them and stared). Clare:(Yelling)WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?(Everyone quickly looked away and returned to what they were doing). Clare:(Sighs Deeply before more tears come and the other Three woman looked at her in sympathy).(Allie hugged Clare rubbing her back frowning feeling bad for her BestFriend). Clare:(Through her tears)I Don't Have A Choice Do I. (The Other Three woman shook there head as Clare Pulled Away from Allie). Clare:(Sighs Deeply)Fine but I will not act like I'm married to him,not yet anyway. I'm only going to take care of him as a friend first before I allow anything else to happen,I will care for him and Elijah Jr. As my child but He will not get the treatment of a wife does her husband,I am technically not his wife right now. (Clare looked down at the ring on her finger and took it off placing it in Cece's hand biting her lip,Clare turned around walking towards Eli's room as All Three Woman Stared At Her In The Most Shock A Person Could Ever Seen In A HumanBeing's Life).

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