Chapter 10:"Why She's Not Humble!!!!!

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Chapter 10:"Why She's Not Humble And Don't Let The Past Come Back To Haunt Us!!!!!

(10 years Ago)

Clare Goldsworthy's head spun alittle as she held the wall next to her and shook her head to get rid of the dizzyness her expression becoming confused as she looked around at the middle school,Julia and Jt appeared next to her as Jt stood against the wall as Julia shook her head before smiling again. Julia:(Smiles at Clare and Jt)I'll never get use to that,it's annoying. Clare:(Nodded at Julia before turning to Jt Confused)How Come You Didn't Get Dizzy? Jt:(Smiling goofily at her and Julia)Well Clare I am an angel. Clare:(Confused)So Is Julia? JT:(Smiling)Ah yes but she is not completely humble yet. Clare:(Confused)What Do You Mean? JT:(Smiles)Well Clare,let us take a look. Clare:(Confused still)huh? Wh-JT touched her arm as she gasped seeing bright lights as she was transported to an earlier time at Eli's house back in Canada. Clare watched as Eli slammed his bedroom door shut at the age of 13 and Julia still banging on his bedroom door yelling at him.

Julia:(YELLING)ELI OPEN THE DOOR. BIPOLAR DICKHEAD. ELI:(Opening the door angrily,gritting his teeth)I AM NOT BIPOLAR AND YOUR A BITCH,GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE AND NEVER COME BACK YOU SLUT.(Slams the door in her face,as her mouth drops open and she trots downstairs speeding by Cece and Bullfrog angrily running outside,getting on her bike. As she petals faster and faster,the tears blocking her vision as she saw bright-flashing lights and screeching tires before Clare felt it,felt the pain Julia did that night and gasp as she felt her body buckling over and she held her stomach toppling over as blood spit out her mouth everywhere and Clare's eyes widen in fear as it felt as if her bones were being crushed,a terror-stricken scream released from Clare's lips as the tears began to flow. JT:(Sadness in his voice)Clare hold on,i'm sorry,procedure but this is the last part and i'm sorry the most painful. (Clare looked confused at him for a moment with a tear-stricken face before she felt it like her insides were on fire and her limbs were being torn apart limb from limb,holding her stomach trying to get rid of the pain as a boatload of tears flew down her face. Clare felt a hand grab hers and she instantly looked up to see Julia smiling sadly with tears in her eyes squeezing her hand gently,as Clare squeezed her hand back as Julia brought her back to the middleschool. JT:(Sad)I Am So Sorry Clare. Clare:(Nods standing up as Julia helps her,still holding her hand and looks at Julia,wiping her tears away)I Am So Sorry Julia,So Your Not Humble Yet Because You Haven't Properly Said GoodBye To Eli. Julia:(Nodding sadly and whispers)Yea. JT:(InShock,Smiling alittle)Well I Knew I'd Like Her,She's Very Intelligent. Julia:(Smiles,letting Go Of Clare's Hand And Nods)Well It's Time For You To See Your Past Memory now,enough about me Clare. Clare:(Confused)What Past Memory? Julia:(Smiling)The Day You Met The Wonderful Elijah Goldsworthy.(Julia turns Clare around and Clare gasps as she see's her 14 year old self,with her long hair up in a ponytail and her catholic church girl uniform on. She walked as her 14 year oldself walked from classroom to classroom,she peeked in one and saw a boy,sitting ontop of the table laying video games with a hat on. She studied him for a moment because she thought he was cute. ''Um,Excuse Me?''She asked as the boy looked up his eyes widened and a red blush suddenly covered his cheeks like a child got caught doing something. Julia:Eli Was So Nervous When He Met You,He Developed The Biggest Crush On You,It Was So Cute. JT:(Smiling,rolling his eyes as he puts both his arms around both girls shoulders)Awwww Ok,Ok Girls Enough Of The Mushy Stuff,Lets Continue On With The Past Flashback Please. Clare&Julia:(Laughs at him,the nods as they go back to Eli and Clare).

Eli-14:Um So Are You-I mean do you need help? Clare-14:(Smiling shyly,laughing)Yea,I Need To find the honors Classroom of Mrs.Williams. Eli-14:(Biting his lip before looking back up at her and staring alittle.) Clare-14:(Nervous)Um,Is Something Wrong? Eli-14:(Looks back at her,shaking his head)Um no,it.s just your really pretty. Clare-14:(Frowns alittle and shakes her head before leaving the classroom.)Eli-14:(InSock and gets his stuff before running out the room after her,as he catches up,he grabs her arm turning her around to face him,he frowns as he see's tears in her eyes and looks confused.) Eli-14:(Frowning)Whats Wrong? Clare-14:(Frowning)I Already Had A Enough Teasing About Being Not Pretty Before and Thanks That Just Takes The Icing On The Cake. Eli-14:(Realization Hits Him) No,I Really Think Your Pretty. Is wasn't making a joke,I Think Your Pretty Because Your So Different,I'm Sorry I Didn't Mean To Make You So Sad um-Clare-14:(Smiling alittle as Eli Wipes her tears away)Clare,Clare Edwards and you are? Eli-14:(Smiles)Elijah,Eli Goldsworthy. Clare:(Smiling)I Like That Name. Eli-14:(Blushing and looks down before looking back up)Uh,Thanks,I'll Walk You To Class If You Want,I Have Him Two First Period. Clare-14:(Blushes)Yea,I-I'd Like That. (14 Year Old Eli and Clare Smile At Each Other Before They Walk To Class Together And That Begins There Beautiful Friendship.) Julia:(smiling happily)When I First Saw That My Heart Swelled Because Eli Became Truly Happy Again,Even When He Tried To Deny It. Clare:(Crying Alittle)I Miss Him Julia,Guys What Do I Do? (JT And Julia smiled weakly at her.) JT:(Smiles Alittle laughing.)You Guys remind me of Me And Liberty. Julia:(Rolls Eyes and Glares)I'm Right Here You Know. JT:(Sighs)Julia You Know I Love You. Julia:(Whatever,disappears into thin air.) Clare:(InShock)You Two Are...? JT:(Sighs And Nods)Yes And She Doesn't Believe I Love Her. Clare:(Nods Understanding)Is It Because she's not humble yet? JT:(Sighs)Yes It Is,I Knew I Would Like You. Clare:(Smiles,then frowns)Will She Come Back? JT:(Smiles alittle)Yea She Always Come Back,See The Thing Is Clare nomatter what,two people who truly love each other will always find there way back to each other,like you and Eli if you allow that. Clare:(Smiles sadly,nodding)Ok were to next. JT:(Smiles)To Eli's and Your HighSchool Years. Clare:(Eyes widen and sighs deeply groaning)Ugh Imogen is there isn't she? JT:(Smiling &laughing alil)Yea but don't worry,everything works out fine remeber You two got married. Clare:(Smiles alittle,then frowns.) JT:(Confused)Whats wrong? Clare:(Sad Smile biting her lip)But He Also Slept With Her Years Later. JT:(Smiles weakly)But It Was A Mistake and only once. Clare:(Confused)What do you mean? JT:(Gives Her A Smile)You Didn't Give Him A Chance To Explain What Happend Did You? Clare:(Looks down in ashame shaking her head no). JT:(Smirks and puts an arm of comfort around her shoulder as she looks up at him)It's Okay Your A Woman,even I know how upset you guys can get. Come on lets check on how Eli's doing because of all this. Clare:(Nods her head weakly.) JT:(Smirks alil) Come On Cheer Up Alittle You Can Snap Your Fingers This Time If You Want. Clare:(Curiousily looks at him)Will It Takes Us To Eli and Julia? JT:(InShock)How'd You Know Julia's With Eli? Clare:(Smiles alittle)Because she's a woman and she and Eli got into an argument before she pass,she still feels like she owes it to him to watch over him and protect him because she still loves him. JT:(Smirks)I Like you blueEyes,Your really intelligent and I see Why Eli married you. I Think This Is The Start Of A Beautiful Friendship. Now take My To My Beuatiful Woman And Your EmoBoy. Clare:(Smiles,then glares playfully)Thats Not Funny and only Eli's allowed to me BlueEyes Jt.JT:(Laughs alittle)Ok,Ok Snap your fingers,and I Know. Now lets go Clarabelle. (Clare snaps her fingers as they both disappear into thin air making there way back to Elijah and Clare Goldsworthy's HouseHold To Check On Eli and see how he's holding up with the situation he's got them into.)

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