Chapter 9:Who Is This? And Am I Really That Hard on you.

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Chapter 9:Who Is This? And Am I Really That Hard on you.


Clare edwards walked out of Eli's room as she slowly made her way towards the waiting room with the numb feeling still lingering all over her body as she approached everyone and they all stood up waiting to see what she said. Clare:Adam roll Eli downstairs to the car with Elijah Jr as I pull the car around. (Adam nodded and waited for her to say something else as Everyone did the same,Clare just smiled at them all weakly nodding her head before turning around and walking downstairs to pull the car around as she stepped out into the autumm wind outside the front of the hospital her phone began to ring as she pulled it out of an unknown #,she stared it curiously before picking it up)Clare:(Confused)Hello?. Unknown Person:Well Hello Clare Edwards-(Clare eyes widen and her nostrils flaired in anger)It's Clare Goldsworthy U Slut,Get It,I'm Married To Eli,Not You Imogen. Imogen:(Laughs Darkly)Well,Well seems like SaintClare Finally has a backbone. All those years with Eli finally taught you not to be naive and curse more,bravo,bravo. Clare:(Angry)You know what, screw you,you wanna be me with pigtails still in her head and glass's from eight years ago. Stay away from Eli. Imogen:(Still laughing)You Can't Keep Your Child Elijah Jr Away From Me Clare. He still goes to daycare. (Laughing darkly). Clare:(Eyes widen in shock and her anger begins to boil over as she start speaking in a harsh voice,venom lacing her words)Stay the fuck away from my son and Eli,Your fuckin with the wrong family Imo,you'll be sorry by the time I get done with you.(Clare hangs up the phone angrily and throws it back in her purse as it rings again and she laughs quietly to herself thinking how messed up this situation is with the numb feeling in her heart lingering like a piece of broken glass thats has been shattered. Clare walked to the car and looked up to the sky for an answer from her guardian angel,when she didn't get one,she sighed softly knowing it wasn't the time for the angel to appear again to her as she got in the car and buckled in her seatbelt pulling the car to the front of the hospital as Adam rolled Eli to the car and helped in to the frontseat,while Clare buckled Elijah Jr into the carseat in the backseat before going back to the front and driving home to take care of Eli and Elijah Jr as the whole car was silent and Clare felt Eli give her a few glances nervously. Clare quickly looked at him a few times giving him a weak smile to calm him down till they got to the house.

Clare made sure Eli and Elijah Jr were in the house before she double-locked the door and closed all the windows and locked them tightly,she didn't trust Imogen at all,She gave Eli and Clare so much hell after they got together because she was obsessed with Eli,them Fiona became her girlfriend and she left them alone,all becoming frienda but this is not what she expectes but still,she made sure everything was locked so no harm would come to there family and turned Elijah Jr's babysitter camera on in his room in his teddybear before going to prepare dinner while Eli and Elijah Jr were watching tv in the parlour.

Clare stood in the kitchen quietly cutting up the tomatoes for the salad and fish as she suddenly felt arms go gently around her waste and she spun around quickly in fear and shock,holding the knife up to the person's throat quickly and Blue eyes met green wide open both in shock as Clare dropped the knife before her face hardened and pushed him away quickly,picking up the knife to finish dinner.)

Eli:(Sighs deeply)Clar-she cut him off. Clare:You already know what your going to get for hurting me like that,don't try it Eli,not until I'm ready to forgive u. (Clare looked at him and he sighed deeply running his hand through his hair. He grabbed her arm gently while she shrugged him off)Clare:(Biting her lip from crying,missing his touch)Eli,Stop it,no,not now. Eli:(Frowning with tears in his eyes)Clare please,it was a mistake,I know that,it onl-Clare:(Angry)Elijah Skylar Goldsworthy leave me the fuck alone,you went and slept with that obssesed freak Imogen while you had me at home,just,ju-st,lea-ve me alo-ne''.Eli:(Tears in his eyes alittle angry now)Clare you were never around,your always at work! Why should you care. Clare:(Yelling)BECAUSE I LOVED YOU,I MADE A VOW THAT I PROMISED NOT TO DISRESPECT,I'VE NEVER CLIMBED INTO A BED WITH A MAN. Eli:(Yelling)HOW THE HELL WOULD I REALLY KNOW THAT,YOUR NEVER HOME. Clare:(Mouth hangs open)ELI WHAT TO FU-Elijah Jr:''Mommwy,daddwy will somweone come watchw tv with me?''. (Clare and Eli Looked at each other before Eli only sighed in defeat at his wife in a mopey sadness and left the kitchen giving her a pouty look and going to watch tv with his son).

Clare Goldsworthy stood there seething in anger with her teeth gritted together,chooping furiously as a person appeared on the left side of her already sitting on the counter causing her to jump alittle in the air. MysteryPerson:(Smiling)Hey Clare,how are things going. Clare:(Grumbling angrily)A mess,I know you just saw that argument. What do I do,we've never argued that bad before and he just accused me of cheating on him when he really did it to me. Ugh Eli is so ugh-MysteryPerson:(Still smiling,Laughing)Sounds like when you two first met back up after a year of tlking on the computer for months and you didn't know what he looked like,until you two realised it doing the romeo&juliet project. Clare:(Smiling alittle)Yea I remeber,You were there?. MysteryPerson:(Smiling)Yea I was there-They were cut off by another person popping up and clare jumped half-way in the air. Clare:(InShock,her eyes widening,holding her hands to her heart,trying to catch her breath from the shock)Who Are You?. (The Other MysteryPerson hopped off the counter smiling as they put an arm around her shoulder)MysteryPerson #2:Hello to you two Clare Goldsworthy. Clare:(Couldn't help but laugh alittle)You Know You Sound Lik-MysteryPerson #2:(Smiling)Your husband in the parlour,yea I know. But Were here to show whats going to happen to your marriage if you don't handle this well. Clare:Like Christmas Pass?. (The two Mysterypeople nodded smiling at her.) Clare:Ok but Who are you,you still haven't told me yet? Except you look awfully familiar. MysterPerson #:(Smiling)Patience is a virtue,even you know that Clare,but if you need to know so bad I am Jt Yorke,the guy that got stabbed at Degrassi before your time there,the memorial for me Im sure you have seen. Clare:(Gasps in shock)Oh my gosh,its you,they say you still roamed the halls of Degrassi,is it true?. JT:(Smiling&laughing)Haha yes its true,I like to pull pranks on the kids there or help them if they need it,whoever I'm assigned to or just help them,taking matters into my own hands. Clare:If your older then me why are you helping me? JT:(Smiling)Because Julia here told me about you and I was good friends with your older sister darcy actually after Julia told me who you were and now Were going to show you 4 times,past,present,and future,future if you stay married or you and Eli get a divorce and not fix this. Clare:(Grumbles)So this is a christmas specual of my life. Julia:(Laughs alittle hopping off the counter and grabbing Clare's hand)Don't worry Clare,it's much more interesting than a cheesy christmas special but I hope we help you make your choice,and it can fix this whole mess Eli caused. Clare:But didn't you date Eli,how can you talk about him like that. Julia:(Smiling)Clare even you know how Eli can be sometimes. Clare:True bu-JT:(Smiling)Ok Girls enough of your boytoy talk,lets go. (JT snaps his fingers as all three of them dissapeae into thin air,into there journey to help Clare Goldsworthy).....Continue or Comment plz because I really don't think I did good on this chapter.

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