Chapter 12:The Talk And What? How did you even get him?

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Chapter 12:The Talk And What? How did you even get him?

Clare Goldsworthy Rocked Elijah Jr To Sleep as she layed him down on her and Eli's Bed singing his favorite lullaby. She looked up to see Eli staring at her in Awe and he gave her a weak smile as she gave him one back and walked out past him,making her way downstairs. She made her way to the couch in the parlour,sitting down and turning on the Tv,as she patted the spot next to her for him to come sit down as he did as he was told,sitting down next to her.

Clare:(Sighs Deeply)Eli I Need To What Happend,The Full Story? Everything that happend with Imogen? Eli:(Sighs In Relief)Clare I'm So Gla-She Cut Him Off. Clare:Eli you need to start talking,you only have 20 minutes to talk and explain the situation to me. Eli:(Sighs Deeply)Clare it only happend once and i was drunk the first time. I only went out with her that one time because it was a long time and she text me sayin her boyfriend cheated on her. Clare I screwed up once and I wouldn't do it again. I blocked all contact with her after that because I didn't wanna lose you or Elijah Jr,Clare I Love You. I'm sorry I didn't tell you,I didn't know how,I thought I Lose You. Clare:(Nods taking all of that information In)Ok. Lets watch some Tv Eli. Eli:(Confused)Thats It? Clare:(Nods fixing her eyes on the tv away from him)Yes Eli Thats It,Now Lets Watch Some Tv And Please Stay On Your Side Of The Couch. Eli:(Frowns nodding looking at the Tv.) 45 minutes later into the movie Clare seen out the corner of her eye Eli's hand shake as he grabbed the end of the couch squeezing the material through his fingers. She slowly and gently grabbed his hand,interlocking there fingers and giving him a gentle squeeze. Clare:Calm Down Eli,I'm Not Going Anywhere. I Promise. (As she still kept her eyes focused on the tv,with Eli staring at Her curiously before squeezing her hand back and looking back at the tv.)

After about 2 hours Clare was knocked out and Eli shook her lightly awake as she grumbled at him half-asleep as he ran his fingers through her gingerly-locks as she got up,walking up the stairs into the guestroom,while Eli made his way to there room sighing deeply,trying to figure out how he was going to sleep tonight without her,and his arms wrapped around her.

(With Clare)

As Clare undid the covers and climbed into bed,she grabbed the laptop off the sidedresser and turned on the lamp. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes as she logged into the Degrassi Site and searched for JT York and a picture of him and his full name:Tiberious James York and all his information. Clare skimmed through it interested in the information gave. ''Looking For Information On little ole'me?''A Voice said from beside her and Clare jumped alittle in shock,holding her hand to her heart as she turned to see JT smirking and laughing. She slapped his shoulder. JT:(Rubbing His Shoulder)Owww whats wrong with you woman,always hitting me! Clare:(Rolls eyes)Well JT You Scared Me,What Do You expect? A Hug? JT:( With Clare)

As Clare undid the covers and climbed into bed,she grabbed the laptop off the sidedresser and turned on the lamp. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes as she logged into the Degrassi Site and searched for JT York and a picture of him and his full name:Tiberious James York and all his information. Clare skimmed through it interested in the information gave. ''Looking For Information On little ole'me?''A Voice said from beside her and Clare jumped alittle in shock,holding her hand to her heart as she turned to see JT smirking and laughing. She slapped his shoulder. JT:(Rubbing His Shoulder)Owww whats wrong with you woman,always hitting me! Clare:(Rolls eyes)Well JT You Scared Me,What Do You expect? A Hug? JT:A Brotherly Hug Would Of Been Nice Though Clare. So How Are You And Eli Doing Right Now? Clare:(Smiles alittle)Were Working At It? JT:(Raise's an eyebrow smirking)Uh huh and thats why your sleeping in a guestroom and not in your guys room with Eli. Clare:(Sighs Deeply)JT these things take time. JT:And Sometimes You Need To gra-Suddenly a videochat popped up on the computer and Clare and JT stared at the screen weirdly at the unknown username and no picture. Clare:(Confused&curious)Should I Open It? JT:(Nods Curious Two as he clicks the button to open the videochat and They Both see Imogen on the camera and Clare instantly Glares At The Screen.) Imogen:(Smirking Deviously)Hello Clare,How Are You Doing This Fine Day? Clare:(Glaring at the screen)What Do You Want Imo,Haven't You Done Enough Damage! Eli doesn't want you ok,Now leave me and My Family alone for the last time. Imogen:(Shakes a finger at Clare through the screen smiling evily)Clare I Suggest You Be Nice or Else Something Bad Is Going To Happen. Clare:(Laughs)Like What Imogen? Imogen:(Raises and eyebrow smirking before she-Suddenly The GuestRoom's Door Is Busted Wide Open By A Bewildered Looking Eli As Clare looks at him confused.) Eli:(Yelling)CLARE ELIJAH JR'S GONE!!!!!!!! Clare:(Eyes widen in shock and turn back towards the screen to see Imogen holding Elijah Jr in her arms and smirking evily at Clare as Clare's nostrils flaired in anger and she gritted hee teeth.)Don't You hurt him Imogen,I swear if a hair is hurt on our childs head,your in for some pain. I will kill you with my bare hands and made sure it looks like and accident. (Eli slowly moved towards the computer screen and his eyes instantly turn into slits.) Eli:(Angry)WHAT THE FU-She cut him off. ''Hey Eli-This time Imogen was cut off. Clare:(Monotone)What Do You Want In Order For Us To Have Our Son Back? Imogen:(Smiles Evily,looking down at Elijah Jr in her arms then back at Clare and Eli)I Want you Eli. Thats All I Want and then I'll Your Pathetic Wife and Son Alone. Clare:(Angry,glaring)Pathetic,ha that funny. You physco fema-Eli cut her off. Eli:Ok,You Want Me,Were Are you? I'll come to you. (Clares Eyes Widen Looking At Both Of Them,Looking Back And Forth To Eli And Imogen InShock)Imogen:(Smiles)GoodBoy and No Funny Buisness Eli or I'll skin your babyboy alive. (The Screen Went off to pitch black as he shut the computer down and off,grabbing it off of Clare's lap and putting it back on the side dresser as he looked back at Clare To see her with tears in her eyes.) Eli:(Confused)Whats Wrong? Clare:(Tears in her eyes)So you-So you wanna be with her? Eli:(realization hits him.)No Clare,never in a million years. I Love You,I Just said that to real her in,to get our son back. Clare I Love You And Only You and never forget that. I don't want any other female but you,imogen means nothing to me but a one night stand. I love you Clare Dianna Goldsworthy,My Beautiful Wife. Well Get Through This Together. Clare:(Smiles Weakly at him as he hugs her)Together. (Clare looks up to see Jt And Julia Smiling weakly at her nodding at both her and Eli's words,They mouthed something to her before they both snapped there fingers and they disappear.)

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