Chapter 1:Being Noticed

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Hiding behind yet another book while the rest if the class finished their math tests. It was getting old being the first one to always finish the test. Another reason to be made fun of. That's all it was to me.

Finally, the bell rang at exactly three o' clock. Wow that's a first I thought.Like always, I rushed out the door so I wouldn't hear the whispers of how crazy I am.

When I was outside in the front of the school I heard one of my nick names, " Hey, Krazykarli!" Despite my struggle not to turn around I sighed and did it anyways.

What can I say? Its a habit. I turn around and I see my ex-boyfriend who turned out just wanted to use me. Ugh boys. He was there with his arm casually thrown on his current magic piece, as I called them and his friends. Maybe I should just ignore his group of skaters, but nope I couldn't.

I walk over to his group and Mr. Flippy Hair points at me saying, "See? What did I tell you?" I blush, I tend to do that sometimes. "Ugly as fuuuck." Then it happened.

I turn when I hear a deep voice saying, "Don't be an asshole, John! She's beautiful."

I look back in complete utter shock at him as he picks up Miss Magic Piece. As John's eyes flashed in anger, but then he smirks and points to me. "Bet you couldn't pick up that fat ass right there," he says daringly.

Mystery Hero looks at me. I mean actually looked at me. I felt my cheeks warm up for the second time in three minutes, and shook my head because I agreed with John. Mystery smirks and scoops me up. Then John had to ruin something in my life again by asking if I was heavy. Mr. Mystery shook his head and laughed.

I was thinking to myself, I don't think I will ever be able to forget his laugh I was mesmerized I didn't even know he guy's name. I mentally bonked my self on the head.

He turned and looked me in the eyes. "Hi, I'm Mark." Well there's another reason why I'll be thinking about him tonight. He showed me a dazzling smile along with a glint in the most gorgeous eyes I have ever seen. I just knew right then and there that I was done for, because for the first time I was being noticed.

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