Chapter 3: On My Mind

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I'm in U.S. History and he's on my mind. I'm filming people for Video Production class, but forgot to press record because he's on my mind. Forgot my lines for theater class cause he's on my mind.... I never forget my lines.  Always thinking about him. Its getting kind of annoying.


Lunch time! Sitting alone again, eating a yogurt when a girl for my History class walks up to me. I think her name is Erin. I was completely shocked since she was semi popular, she's kinda nice though. I was even more surprised when she knew my name.

"Hey, Karli," she said with a smile.

"Oh. Um... Hi." I replied. I wasn't really used to people talking to me.

"Your kinda funny." I raised a
n eyebrow while she raised up a red drink. "I like this punch and I think it smells good. Yet, my friends don't think so. Can you smell it so I can prove them wrong?" She asked.

"I guess?"

"Thanks" she lifted up the drink to my nose. I start smelling it and they were right. It smelled nasty. At the last moment she tilts the drink and turns it upside down. I screeched as I heard her friends cracking up at their table. I have the worst luck because I decided to wear a white shirt.

"I cannot BELIEVE you Erin!!" Her eyes widen slightly because nobody heard me yell before. "You think you're so cool, but you're not. You live your life to impress others. You would do anything somebody asks you to so you can have their approval. You're like everybody else. Hiding in a little shell not showing your true self." When I finished I was completely out of breath.

I rushed to the bathroom with a red stain on my white shirt. I come out to see Mark. He has a smirk. God he's beyond handsome. I mentally bonk myself on my head.

He grins as he says, "I can see you fighting with yourself mentally." I blush cause he can see right through me.

He thrusts a sweatshirt towards me. He must of seen my confusion because he explained. "Put in on." He smirked again when he saw my ongoing  confusion. "To cover up your shirt." he added.

I blush again because it took a long time to register what he was saying. I gave him a shy smile while I took it and said my thanks.

After I put it on I heard gasps around the whole cafeteria. I looked and noticed that they were all staring at us with wide eyes. I turned to him slowly.

"What's with them?" I ask him.

"Well, they're surprised."

"Why? Oh, wait don't answer that. I already know the answer to that. They're surprised that somebody like you is talking to me." I said matter of factly.

He tilts his head in confusion. "Somebody like me?" Omigod. He's completely oblivious. Then what's up with his unbelievably hot cocky side smirk. Stop it Karli. Get your mind out of the gutter. He continues after my mental battle. "No that's not why."

I popped my hip out and put my hand on it with some sass. "Oh really? Then why are they surprised? Enlighten me."

He grins at me. "Cause I've never gave a girl one of my jackets before." With that he just leaves me there with my jaw on the floor.

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