Chapter 7: Not Too Confident

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Everybody is staring in complete shock. Even Mark, who I forgot was in this class. I smiled and waved at him as I headed to a microphone that was place in the middle of the classroom. He hesitantly waved back as his eyes widen when I grab the microphone. Yup, I'm serious people.

"So, Karli. What will you be singing that is sung by Whitney Houston?" She asks.

"Well," I respond. "I was thinking about I Will always Love You."

More gasps. God get over it people. Just because people don't sing the song because it's hard didn't mean that its impossible.

Some random person whispers, "That's impossible. Does she really think that she is able to sing that song?" "She's a complete idiot." Apparently they do think that it's impossible. Well, I think it was time to prove them wrong.

"Karli, that is a forbidden song. Are you sure about this? It's an extremely difficult song." The teacher says.

"Do not doubt me." I snap. "Just because you've never heard me sing, that doesn't mean I'm incapable. I just didn't wanted to draw attention to myself. I was tired of being bullied so I made myself invisible. I can do this. Even if I have never tried this song before." Even more gasps.

"You've never sang this song and you think you can sing it? A little too confident don't you think?" Mrs. Wright says.

I scoffed. "I don't think I can. I know I can. And I can be this confident when I know that I'm actually one of those people who can succeed in anything I try."

If you honestly believe that Karli, then you are one stupid girl." She snarls.

"And you're one stupid teacher. You have no singing skills what so ever, even though its your job." I throw back. She was fuming mad.

"Fine. Sing the damn song. Embarrass yourself in front of everybody. In fact, I'll have a student record it."

"Fine with me." I look at Mark, "Hey, Mark? Wanna do me a favor?"

He shakes his head before saying, "Sure."

"Marvelous. Can you record my singing for me?"

His eyes widen. "Uh, yeah no problem."

"Thanks." I turn back to my teacher. "Be ready to be put in you're place bitch." I turn to the class and turn to the mic on. Then I give a thumbs up to Mark so he knows to start recording. I take a deep breath and sang my heart out. Looking at Mark the whole time. Not breaking eye contact.

If I should stay
Well, I would only be in your way
And so I'll go,but yet I know
That I'll think of you each step of my way
And I will always love you
I will always love you
Bitter-sweet memories

That's all I have,and I'm taking with me
Goodbye,oh,please don't cry
Cause we both know
I'm not what you need

I will always love you
I will always love you

And I hope life,will treat you kind
And I hope that you have all
That you ever dreamed of
Oh,I do wish you joy
And I wish you happiness
But above all this
I wish you love
I love you, I will always love

I,I will always,always love you
I will always love you
I will always love you
I will always love you

When I finish there is different reactions. Some are crying, some some are speechless, and some are just plain ole dumbstruck. I stand there  for a whole 10 minutes with 34 pairs of eyes watching me. I look at Mrs. Wright who is crying. Then my eyes land on Mark who is just grinning his ass off.

The clap starts slow. Then it breaks off into a deafening applause along with whistles that could kill a girl's ears. They cheer for at least five minutes until it starts to die down.

But it doesn't stop the whispers. "I didn't know she could sing like that. Hell I didn't even know she could sing." "I didn't even know she existed." "She's actually kinda cute."

"Quiet down class. I'm also impressed. I've never heard a person successfully sing that song. Much alone perfectly." She turns to me. "I think you did put me in my place Karli. I never thought I could be so wrong. I owe you an apology."

I just wave it off and take my place. As I do, I feel a pair of eyes watching me. I turn to see Mark just staring at me. Then the bell rang, and he starts walking to me.

"What do you want me to do with the video Karli?" He asks.

"Oh, just delete it. I just wanted to make a point and prove I wasn't scared." With that I just walk out of the class room.

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