A while had passed, and Laura was well into being a sixteen year old. Aubrey felt bad, because most sixteen year olds were out getting their driver's licenses and having jobs and doing fun things with friends, but Laura wasn't.
Right now, Laura was sitting in the hospital receiving chemo treatment.
"How're you feeling?" Aubrey asked her daughter.
"Not well," Laura weakly responded.
Aubrey hated to see her daughter sick, but she knew it wasn't hurting anything. This happened every time her daughter was treated. "Do you need the bucket?" She offered.
Laura nodded, as her face became more and more pale, even a little green tinted. Aubrey handed her the bucket and she did what she needed to do. After her stomach stopped acting up, Laura wiped her mouth. "Thank you."
"Anything for you, baby," said Aubrey. Aubrey truly hoped her daughter would miraculously pull out of the cancer that she'd been battling for ten years, but she didn't honestly believe it ever would or ever could happen.
"Hey honey!" Exclaimed Quiana as she walked in. "You're done with chemo for today! Good job! How are you feeling?"
Laura shrugged. "Eh, a little better."
"Glad to hear," said Quiana. "Are you done with that?" She asked pointing to the bucket.
"Yeah," said Laura. "Sorry you have to clean that up."
"Honey," said Quiana as she grabbed the bucket. "It's fine, it's my job. The important thing is that you're feeling okay."
Tobias slowly walked over to Laura's room. He just finished his chemo treatment, too. They tried get appointments together so they would have each other. "Ugh," he groaned. "I feel like crap."
"Same. Do you need a bucket?" Offered Laura.
"Nah, I think I'm done with that part. I'm just really drained," he declined.
"Yeah I am too. I can't wait for the day I get to have my very last chemo treatment," sighed Laura.
"I'm sorry, guys," said Aubrey, putting each hand on their shoulders.
"Not your fault," they both shrugged, speaking simultaneously. Then, they both laughed a little, at the coincidence of them saying the exact same thing at the exact same time, although it happened frequently. They both said they were easily amazed people.
"Who would've guessed you guys are best friends?" Said Aubrey. She loved that her daughter still had a best friend even though she didn't go to regular school around healthy kids. She still had Tobias. And Tobias had her.

Dying Wish
SpiritualThis is the story of Laura Sumters, a sixteen year old girl who died of cancer, which she suffered from since she was six years old. This story is fiction, but I've written it with all people who've suffered from cancer in mind. I may not be complet...